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There is a mystery you need to know about stars. When you arm yourself with a full understanding of the intricacies of the mysteries behind the stars, your life will never remain the same.
In the some vein, ignorance of the mystery of stars will keep you in bondage. In fad, you may never be able to actualize the purpose and plans of God for your life, If you are in the dark as far as the mystery of stars is concerned.
I therefore, want to implore you to release yourself to the spirit of God as I unravel the mysteries behind the star in your sky. Go through this piece of writing prayerfully, so that you will enjoy the divine plan and purpose for your life. I believe by the end of this piece, you will step into the divine destiny for your life.
A lay-man may never understand what exactly stars connote. But I want to make it clear to you that in the spiritual realm, stars playa prominent role.
Many people have been manipulated through the use of the star. Many destinies have also been destroyed through the use of stars. A lot of people are also tied in the spiritual realm through star manipulation. So, stars playa great role in the lives of men, women and children all over the world.
Let me tell you something that will surprise you. There is a star of Bethlehem in the sky of every child of God. If you are a bonafide child of God, you have a Bethlehem star over you. This star goes with you every moment of your life. This star, also works in a wonderful way during the time you are in a dilemma. When everything goes dark and gloomy in your life, you need to look up because there is a star above your head. It is this star that will lead and give you
There is no need for you to cry or walk endlessly. God in heaven has made o special provision of a star to illuminate and brighten your pathway. It is because God does not want you to fall inside the pit of life, that is why He has mode a provision for a Bethlehem star to be your companion and guide as you walk in the valley of the shadow of death.
Immediately you give your life to Christ, there is chaos and pandemonium in the kingdom of darkness. At the same time, the angels in heaven are glad and rejoice. It is at this time, that there is a spiritual transaction which goes beyond human understanding. It is through this I spiritual transaction that a soul leaves the pathway of unrighteousness and gets into the pathway of righteousness and peace. It is when you are born of the spirit, that this Bethlehem star comes upon you and you will then have a star in your sky. The star in your sky is what will lead you to where God wants you to be.
If your manger of destiny is untraceable, you need the star in your sky to lead you there and to make a lasting change in your life. Stop beating about the bush, locate the manger, which is the place of your birth and pray seriously to destroy all the foundational curses upon your destiny. Follow me as we search through the scripture to discover a deep truth from the account of the birth of Jesus. We shall discover how the star played a significant role by directing the wise men to where the Messiah was born.
Matthew 2: 1-2, 7-10: Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, [21 Saying, Where is he that is bop King, of the Jews? for we hove seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him …. Then Herod, when he had privily
called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. When they had heard the king, they departed; and, to, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy of.
It becomes clear, therefore, that it was the star in the east that prompted the wise men to come searching for Jesus Christ. The star also played a prominent role of guidance and direction. It was the star in the sky that led the wise men to the manger of Jesus.
There is a lesson for us to learn from this account. When the wise men did not see the star that appeared to them in the east, they went to the wrong place and person -Herod. Herod put on a false concern and told the wise men to search diligently for the young king (Jesus) and when they must have found Him, he urged them to report to him so that he could go and worship Him. God later had to instruct these wise men in a dream never to return to Herod, because he was a star killer.
It is crystal clear, therefore, that when there seems to be obscurity on your path and you don’t know where to go, you need divine direction and guidance. The problem with the wise men is that they looked around them for a guide.
The star they saw which made them to come searching for Jesus was not found among people, it was rather found above, in the sky.
Likewise, when there are darkness and obscurity on your way, the first thing you need to do is to look above. That is where God and your star of direction are. Seek the face of God before you seek the counsel of men, so that you will not get into the hands of Herod, the star killer.
Do you know that in God’s divine plan, you may need to go through dryness before you can appreciate the dew of heaven? You may sometimes need to go through hunger before you can know the significance of food. In fact, you may have to experience abject poverty and penury before you can taste honey out of the rock and blossom in God’s prosperity. It is always dark before the dawn. Never quit in obscurity. Cry to your heavenly father and you will soon discover that God will lead you to His glorious light. Look up! There is a silver lining in the dark cloud of your life.
Psalm 30:5-6: For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour I life weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. And in my prosperity I said! I shall never be moved.
Many are groping in darkness without seeing the light of the day because they have refused to see the star in the sky. There are times when God wants you to see the star which will pave the way for you to get your deliverance and breakthroughs. Don’t see the raging storm in your life one family. Don’t see the threatening terror of the wicked. Always see the star and the promises of God. Always see Jesus, not your ranging storms. The moment you stop looking at Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith, you may sink in the sea of life.
Hebrews 12:2: Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
The words that come out of your mouth will go a long way in affecting your destiny. Always learn to speak good things into your life everyday. Don’t speak words of discouragement. Never speak about your store to your enemies. Cultivate the habit of talking less to men but praying much to God.
After you must have seen the star and you have said good things upon your life, you will then need to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Take decisive and calculated steps that will grunt you success and deliverance from the yoke of the devil.
Blindness to your star can lead you to certain undesirable situations in life. When you are spiritually blind to your star, you will loose many things. You will only live in the shadow of your life, you cannot see the star in your sky.
A childhood friend of mine was highly talented in repairing electronic gadgets. He was an expert in this area in his childhood days that many people brought radios and other electronic gadgets to him for repair. In fact, I don’t think I have ever seen a talented child like this boy before. It became clear to many people that this young child would become a reputable engineer in the future, but, the killer of stars did not allow his star to shine.
His mother took a decision one day. She decided to take this child to a prophet and to inquire about the future of this child, since many have been calling him an engineer in the making. The old false prophet suddenly came out with an
unusual comment. He said that this boy must never study engineering and that if he mistakenly does, he will be buried inside the corpse of his career. Since this child had been warned not to go into the sciences, he decided to study Banking and Finance in the higher institution.
After graduating from this course, he met his waterloo in the places of employment. He was always offered a job in the places that are connected with fraud and bribery. This of course made him to lose his job, his cars and his house. The last time I saw him, I met him begging for alms. This is the extent to which a blindness to your star can lead you.
Blindness to your star will make you to become a tail instead of being the head. It will turn you to a wreck instead of being a celebrity. It can turn you to a nonentity instead of being a genius. It will also bring unnecessary, unjustifiable and unfortunate poverty. It will make the enemy to drag you on the ground.
I want you to pray fervently, saying:
Every witchcraft cloud, overing the star of my glory, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
It’s quite startling that many people have zero intelligence. The intelligence you have, which does not enable you to locate your star, is a zero intelligence. Life is full of ironies and one of the ironies of life is that, to be intelligent academically does not always mean financial sufficiency. The key to financial prosperity, does not lie in academic intelligence but in locating your star. There are many today who are geniuses but are not living comfortably. Your full joy and happiness lies in locating the star in your sky, so that you will not score a zero intelligence in life
Eccles. 9: 11 : I returned, and sow under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill but time and chance happeneth to them all.
It’s saddening, to see people with high intelligence quotient wasting away in the society. They live below the level of the great talents that God has endowed
them with. Such people’s lives are wasted. They end up becoming a waste to themselves, their families, nation and generation at large. For you to truly live in the fullness of your potentials; you need to totally surrender everything to Jesus. You must hand over everything to the One who can pilot the ship of your life to the right destination.
The story of the wise men which we have earlier read, shows us the significance of Herod’s palace. The wise men felt that if they get in torch with Herod in his palace, solutions will come their way. But, it was not so because they had already gone out of God’s way.
When someone leaves the pathway of God, the consequences ore grave. It is possible that the palace of Herod could be attractive, yet the repercussion of going there is not always palatable. My prayer for you, today, is that if you have been strayed into the palace of Herod, the fire of God will bring you out in the name of Jesus.
Going to Herod’s palace means looking for fame and popularity instead of seeking the face of God. In other words, the seekers of Herod’s palace are the seekers of money, pleasures and the ease of life, without putting God in focus.
If you are reading this piece, and your waking or sleeping thought is always money and how to acquire riches fraudulently. you are on the path.. way to Herod’s palace, The surprising thing is that, you may never find the money you are looking for. Any kind of comfort that you hove in Herod’s palace is deceptive, seductive and damnable.
I used to know a young man, many years ago, who was involved in organising coaching classes for children. Amongst the children that used to attend the lesson was the daughter of an eminent professor. This professor’s daughter was beautiful, intelligent and hardworking. Thus, the proprietor of the lesson did show a lot of care and concern for the fifteen year old lady by buying ice cream, snacks and other niceties. Little did this girl know that she was receiving gifts from the palace of Herod. A bombshell later rocked the ground and this girl was put in the family way by the proprietor of the coaching class who was over 40
All pleas by the proprietor to the professor (the father of the girl) fell on deaf ears. The professor was so furious that he said he did not want to see the teacher at all. After the girl became very heavy and about to be deliver the unwanted pregnancy, the professor took a decisive and unusual step. He was the first person to get to the hospital on the day the girl was to deliver the baby. He was so restless and started moving up and down in the hospital. Labour pains began and the girl later had a very painful delivery. Immediately the girl was delivered of the baby, the professor took his daughter straight to the airport and did not allow her to even see the baby that had been delivered before she travelled out of the country. I don’t think the girl ever saw her first child. This girl later became a highly qualified medical doctor.
What the professor did to her daughter, was to help to relocate her star that wanted to be buried. It is however saddening that not many people have this kind of wisdom.
It may surprise you that there are many people whose stars have been covered through the use of seemingly impenetrable darkness, by the principalities of powers in the heavenlies. To everybody there is a space in the sky, wherein the stars are located. That is why the Bible says:
Deut. 28:23: And thy heaven that is’ over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.
You should know at this moment, that there is an hierarchy of spiritual powers in the realm of darkness known as principalities. This network of wickedness is strategically placed by the devil to cause a lot of havoc in the destiny of many people. They are seated in the heavenlies to cloud the stars of many people. They can also redirect the eye of a person, divert attention and install ignorance. They or also the ones behind making many people to stray into Herod’s palace.
The enemy of your life knows that for your fife to prosper and blossom, heavens must be involved. They are also aware of the fact that your destiny will remain stagnant except there is a connection between the terrestrial (earth) and the celestial (heaven!. It therefore takes serious and decisive prayers to break the jinx of darkness with which the principalities have covered your star. The Bible
Ephes. 6: 12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Everyone has a portion of heaven above his or her hem It is this part of heaven that contains the star and the showers of blessings. You have a personal heaven which governs and controls your life. It is the heaven above your head, that the enemy targets if he wants to stop the blessings God in your life.
There is the need for you to guard your heaven properly through holiness and prayer so that the enemy will not fin it easy to penetrate your life.
Satan sometimes creates stumbling blocks on one’s way in order to hinder the fulfilment of God’s plans and purpose. He does this by the use of insurmountable situations that defy human efforts. It is only when those situations are brought face to face with the power of the Almighty that there will be a lasting situation.
A brother was scheduled to travel overseas. He was to tolled a letter from the embassy which would change his life. He set out of his house by 6:00 am and by 12:00 midnight, he did not get to his destination. Immediately he set out of the house on his way to the bus stop, he had a strange encounter, Some people were shouting at him and calling him a thief. He did not know what was happening. Those people ran up to him, removed his tie and suit. They later beat him mercilessly.
By the time he saw that he could not do anything to help the situation, he took to his heels, but the people beating him ran after him and caught up with him. They resumed another session of intense beating. One of them later brought petrol and tyre to bum him. It was at this time that the police rescued him from the jungle justice about to be meted to him.
The police took him to the police station and locked him up. He began another episode of story telling to justify the fact that he was on his way to the embassy to collect a letter and that he was not a thief. The police men later told him to
drop “something”. But he told them that he had lost the money on him in hands of the miscreants who beat him.
The district police officer (DPO! later came and the young man narrated his plight He was later pitied and released around 1 pm. This brother boarded a big commuter bus and again the bus plunged into the third mainland bridge in Lagos. The brother was sitting beside the driver and he fainted when the incident happened. He never got the embassy because he resuscitated around 12:00 midnight to know what was happening. This is an example of a satanic diversion.
Generally the principalities in the heavenlies, get agitated whenever they discover that your promotion is announced. They will start their plans to oppose or hinder you from moving forward.
Pray this prayer point.
Every principality in my heavens, your time is up, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
Beloved, know that satan has a highly organized network of evil powers in the heaven lies and kingdom of rebellious fallen spirits. The principalities in the heavenlies are the ones that oppose prayers. Sometimes, these principalitie bring about unanswered prayers. The power of wickedness tries to frustrate the prayers of some people, so that they will loose sight of using the weapons of prayer. When there are principalities in your heavens, the powers of darkness will overcome you easily and nothing will go smoothly in your life. The enemies will mock you and your prayers.
In fact, the person whose heavens are occupied by principalities will plant a lot but reap little. Such a person will work like an elephant and eat like an ant. The whole of life becomes absurd, saddening and difficult. Problems also remain perpetual when there are principalities in your heavens. No solution seems to come in sight even after going through deliverance.
When there are terrible principalities in your heavens, Bible reading becomes dull, monotonous and uninspired Prayer life becomes vague and powerless.
There will also be manipulations in the life of such a person principalities in the heaven lies cloud the star in your heaven.
The stars of many have been lying fallow but they do not know. Why are many people blind to the star in their heavens?
The following are the reasons.
Ignorance is a disease while knowledge is power. The issue of the powers of darkness and household wickedness are negligible when you ore not ignorant. Ignorance will make you a perpetual slave to the devil while knowledge will show you how to come out of your problems. The Bible says;
Hosea 4:6: My people ore destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou host rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou host forgotten the low of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
A group of friends boarded an aero-plane to go on a journey of about 7 hours to another country. One of them was given a nice juice drink but he rejected it. He was also given stationaries like a pen and books but he said he did not want it. He was also offered a special and delicious meal but he rejected it.
Funny enough, this person was seriously famished with hunger. When they alighted, the group of friends began to pass comments about how they enjoyed their trip. This friend was surprised and he asked them how much they paid. It was rather late before he discovered that the services rendered in the superb aero plane were added to the cost of the journey and they were not to pay for it. Ignorance will keep you in hunger when there is plenty of food to eat.
A sister met a false prophet and her life never remained the same. This sister had a Master’s degree in chemist and thus wanted a good and lucrative employment. The false prophet met this desperate sister and told her that if she truly wanted a good job, he would have to shave the hair in her pubic area. This sister said she cooperated because she was a converted Muslim in need of a job. Beware! Ignorance and falsehood will get you into trouble rather than bring you out of trouble.
It is tragic to die in spiritual blindness. This will make you not to locate your star.
Many people in Nigeria always queue at the emboss every day because they want to fly out of the country. It unfortunate that lot of them are filing out in numbers because of an evil diversion. Some of them would have been better off if they stayed in Nigeria to locate their star.
Many have gone to false teachers and prophets because they wanted to know their stars. Some even go to star gazers who only get them into trouble rather than show them the way out of it.
The comfort you have outside your star is transient, deadly and disastrous. The only lasting comfort you can have is to locate your stay.
Some people have strayed out of their heaven of blessing because of seemingly good ideas. For somebody to have an idea and make it does not necessarily mean that it God’s idea. You need to know the will and purpose of God for your life so that you will not go astray.
Looking at man instead of looking at your creator will not help you at all. Anytime you are at a crossroads and it seams as if all hope is lost, there is need for you to look up because your help comes form above God should be the first person you will have to talk to when you are in the web of confusion. He can help and He will help you. He will come and save you.
Some people are supposed to be in God’s location for their life, but they are presently dislocated. You need to pray so that you will not be in the wrong location that can get you into trouble.
All the needs of man have been provided by God right from the beginning of the ages. All you need to become millionaire or a billionaire is at your disposal. The resource of God upon this earth are inexhaustible. What you need t do is to be in God’s location and to locate the star in your sky and you will enjoy unprecedented blessings flowing unhindered from the throne of grace.
The greatest problem today is that many are not where God wants them to be. If God expects you to have receive seven gifts of the spirit, five years ago and you are still nowhere to be found, it is pathetic. The moment you are I the right place where God wants you to be at the proper time, your life will be a cynosure of all eyes.
The need of the hour for this time, is that you should surrender your life to Jesus Christ. You need to be genuine born again for you to remain at the centre of the blessing of God. Thus, you can kneel down at this time and pray the prayer if you are not born again.
“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge myself as a sinner. I or unworthy to be called your child. I confess my sins to you today. Please forgive me and write my name in the book of life. Let your peace and joy reign and rule in my life as I humbly coil upon your name today for salvation. Give me also the grace to sin no more. Thank you for saving me in Jesus’ name I prov.” (Amen)
- My destiny, bring out testimonies, in the name of Jesus.
- Every dragon of my tether’s house, that is pursuing my star, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every goat in the manger of my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
- My star, refuse to be hidden, appear, in the name of Jesus.
- Every journey into the palace of Herod, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Angels of the living God, possess my heavens, in the name of Jesus.
- Angels of the living God, arise, fill my dark night, in the name of Jesus.
- Angels of the living God, arise, fight and recover my right places, in the
- My Father, who reign upon the heavens of my life, arise, let the darkness in my heavens, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every restlessness in my days, hear me and hear me now, die, in the name of Jesus.
- All powers and principalities in my heavens, be silenced by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Anti-focus spirits, my life is not your candidate, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
- My Father, if I have donated my virtues, I claim them back, in the name of Jesus.
- Every yoke of regret, break, in the name of Jesus.
- Every programme of darkness to destroy my star, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power that must die, for my breakthrough to manifest, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power that must be buried, for my breakthroughs to manifest, I bury you by fire, in the name of Jesus