You cannot appreciate the importance of divine revelation until God opens your eyes and makes you to see what is going on in the spiritual realm.
Let us take a second look at a mystery passage in the book of Ezekiel 8:7-18:
And he brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, behold a hole in the wall. 8Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. 9And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. 10So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall round about. 11And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up. 12Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth. 13He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. 14Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sot women weeping for Tammuz. 15Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these. 16And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their bocks toward the temple of the
LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. 17Then he said unto me. Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here’? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose. 18Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.
The lost blessings of spiritual benefits
Several years ago we used to run the school of prophets. In those days, we used to gather participants together for a three-day dry fast; for complete three days no food, no water. Those who participated did so with joy and excitement. In those days people valued spiritual things more than material concerns.
It is surprising, these days, that the Power Must Change Hands fasting and prayer programmes which lasts for only one full day and a few hours has given a lot of people problems. In those days, people were very happy to fast. But today’s generation has lost sight of the power of spiritual benefit. This is the tragedy of this generation.
Ninety five percent of the letters that are sent to us these days border on material benefits. It seems that our generation has decided to place more value on material benefits above spiritual things. We used to experience the divine presence of God during our spiritual programmes in those days.
To understand what is really happening you must come to terms with the fact that the present situation can be traced to the problem of misplaced priorities. Our sense of value has changed.
I can recall a particular incident, which happened during one of such spiritually anointed programmes. A sister was praying somewhere within the congregation. As she continued her prayer, she beheld a strange sight. There was a giant man in dazzling white apparel standing at the rear end of the church building. The eyes of the angelic personality were red. The sister became frightened. For a very long time the sister kept on looking at the angelic
personality. For quite a long time she did not know what to do. For the first time in her spiritual life the Lord opened her eyes to behold supernatural sights. It was an unforgettable experience. The Lord had started to open her eyes to see beyond the physical realm.
As soon as the service was over, she decided to pay a visit to her prayer partner and share her new experience. By the time she got there she saw a fellow eating rice and beef. But instead of the normal food the fellow was eating she discovered that the rice was covered with blood. When she was invited to join in the eating, she simply declined, she had seen what others couldn’t see. She left the place for her own house. On the way she began to feel sorry for herself. She wondered what had been happening to her. Under normal circumstances she would have eaten the rice.
Beloved, if you are not careful and your eyes are not open you may eat human blood. You may not know that you are eating demonic food. That is why the Bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” I want you to stop reading for a moment. Place your right hand on your head and take this prayer point, with the vigour of a wounded lion.
O God, arise and open my spiritual eyes, in the name of Jesus.
The first thing that must happen to you is that the Lord must open your spiritual eyes.
What is the second step which you must take in order to be divinely empowered to see a hole in the wall?
The old man is your greatest enemy, an enemy of God, it hates holiness, an enemy of heaven, is the satanic friend hibernating in your life.
As soon as man fell in the garden of Eden, and lost all the beautiful things that God planned for him, the state of the heart of man has been referred to in the
The old man is a terrible entity. It is the carnal nature, which lives inside us. It is the remains of sin, which has vowed not to leave us alone. It can also be referred to as inbred sin.
As long as you continue to allow the old man to have his way in your life, your spiritual eyes can never see anything. This would be so simply because it is impossible to be in the camp of the enemy and be allowed to spy what is going on.
The old man makes you a person who cannot rise to the level of sonship. Wherever the old man is thriving, the Spirit of God will only be an observer. Many of us had been crying to God saying; “O God, use me. I want to hear Your voice and see heavenly vision”, but cannot receive the answer of heaven to their requests. Until such people deal with the old man, God can never give them a vision. God is telling you, as long as you remain close to the old man, you cannot see the glory of God.
This reminds me of the vision of one of our most respected Pentecostal fathers. He prayed fervently saying: “O Lord, there are many babies in this church. What shall we do? O Lord, intervene. Make them to grow. Give them power. Let them receive revelation knowledge.”
The man of God was so burdened that he cried unto God for seven days and seven nights. At the end of the programme, God gave him a revelation. He saw a caterer who has lots of palatable dishes to give out. The food had a good aroma and was steaming hot. On the other side he saw a long queue of his own church members, waiting to be served. Each of them was carrying his plate. He noticed something that is unusual. The caterer was weeping bitterly. Those who were on the queue waiting for the food were also weeping. Some of them were even wailing saying, “Please, give us food. We are very hungry.”
The caterer was also crying saying, “I am ready to give you food, but your
plates are dirty, and contaminated. If you can check your plates carefully, you will discover that there are faeces in it.”
This is exactly what is wrong with many of us today. You are crying for power of divine revelation, but you are not ready to keep your vessel clean. The ways of God are very simple. Whenever you meet the condition, He gives you what you are desired. The Bible makes it very clear. It says, “The Lord does nothing without revealing it to His servants, the prophets.”
Do you know that as you are reading this book there are people who know what will happen in Nigeria for the next ten years? There are people who know the details of what God is going to do in the church in the next five years. These people are not special human beings. Nothing stops you from becoming one of them. What you need to do is to kill the old man.
Many Christians are having problems. It is because the old man is alive and well in their lives. If you ever come across Christians, who are telling lies, you can be sure that the old man is still very strong in their lives. If you ever come across Christians, who fight publicly it shows that the old man is still kicking in them.
Pride, seed of old man
One other way of detecting the presence of old man is by spotting evidences of pride in the lives of the so-called Christians.
Pride is the old man’s most powerful weapon and it is evil. It threw down angels from heavens. It was pride that turned good angels to devils. God never created a devil. He created Lucifer. The Greek meaning of the word pride is very revealing. It is likened to something swelling like a balloon. This means you are trying to appear above your real level. It is an index of self-exaltation.
Pride is extremely bad. Several other sins are attached to it. Many people would never steal if they were never propelled by pride. Most people who steal are not ready to live a humble life. They want to live big. Hence, they decide to
Pride gives you a feeling of being superior to others. This means that you have decided to over-price yourself. You want to take on a stature that is larger than life. You may begin to feel that you are above others, simply because you think you are bigger or richer than they are or because of your possessions, talent, education, or contacts in the society. The simple truth is that you are prideful instead of being humble. The old man is alive and well in you. Such a person cannot see the hole in the wall.
The life of people with pride will be filled with contentions, strife, division, wrangling, evil speaking, discord and the like.
If we all gather and our prime objective is the glory of God, nobody will be proud. The moment you feel that you are better than every other person the old man is in place.
If you listen to some people talk about their academic degrees or certificates, you might become sick. Some people feel that to let others know that they are specially qualified they must frame their certificate and hang it on their necks. They want everybody to know that they have a Master’s or Doctorate degree. Some people go about telling those people who care to listen to them that their parents are the first lawyers or engineers to qualify in the country. All these attitudes are sponsored by pride.
Some people exhibit pride in the church by saying, “I can’t join that group. The members do not fit into my class. What would I come here to do if not that there was no better place to go?” This is pride.
Some people refuse to participate in group projects saying: “Why did they elect me as the chairman? They do not seem to respect my academic qualification.” It is pride.
“Why can’t they show some respect to me? They should recognise that I have a Master’s degree. Why should I be grouped with all these uneducated folks? Pride.
Why did they not put my name on top of the list? Pride.
Some ministers even go to the extent of saying, “Why are people saying faint ‘amen’ to ‘my prayers’? Other people would say, “I cannot use any vehicle unless it is air conditioned, I know my class. Nobody can ever make me to join the bandwagon.”
Pride has assumed new dimensions. Do you know that it is possible to be proud of things like immorality, spiritual gifts, abilities, talents, dressings etc?
We have been telling our sisters these days that our Sunday worship services are not meant for any form of fashion parade or carnal showmanship. Thank God, many of them are learning how to drop their bogus outfits. They now know that the house of God is the house of prayer.
Friend, nobody wants to know how costly your clothes are. Dressing the old man is nothing but sheer waste of time and resources. To dress the old man is to behave like a blind bat.
Some people are busy manifesting the character of the old man. They say things like, I cannot worship in a place where I am not noticed. I go first-class everywhere. Whenever I entered my former church everybody stood at attention. Why am I like a common fellow here? Why am I not given recognition?
Some people are simply incorrigible. If you ever correct them, they react sharply. As long as you exhibit this kind of trait you will never see anything. You will continue to have fellowship with demons, bad dreams and demonic attacks. Evil night caterers will feed you every day. Demonic barbers will continue to find marks on your body. Of course, demonic agents will visit you
regularly since the old man is alive in your life.
Anger, seed of the old man
For so many other people the old man manifests its ugly presence through anger. When you offend some people, they will continue to boil internally. The life of such people can be likened to a volcano that is about to erupt.
Many homes have been destroyed through anger. A lot couples have divorced themselves through anger.
You must kill the old man!
Recently someone asked me questions: “G. O. can I take part in the Holy Communion? I have not paid the whole of my tithes?”
The answer is very clear. Do not take part in the Holy Communion if you are a thief. To rob God in tithes and offering is to be a thief of the highest kind. How can you steal from God and take part in His flesh and His blood?
There is a church in this country where many died like houseflies by partaking in the Holy Communion wrongly. They took the Holy Communion while they held on to their sins. There was no iota of repentance in them. God visited them in judgement.
At the same time, if you avoid taking the holy communion, it shows that you are not yet on your way to heaven. You need a change of life. You can only begin to see hole in the wall when you have completely repented of your sins.
Ask God to shake every hidden foundation in your life. All evil hidden foundation in your life must be uprooted. This is very important.
At this point, I want you to close your eyes and lay your right hand on your navel. Get ready to take this prayer point,
Foundation of darkness in my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
Recently, I visited the MFM branch in London. A counselee came for prayers and deliverance. She looked at me frankly and said, “Someone told me about you and I decided to come to see you. I know that you are a prophet. I think you can be of help to me.”
I told her to go on, assuring her that I would do whatever I could to help her. She opened her bag and brought out an exercise book. She told me that she had five children. The name of the first child was written on the first page, the second on the second page, the third on the third page and so on. The woman had three boys and two girls.
I was surprised when I discovered that the woman wanted me to help her choose one out of the ten names which appeared eligible to marry her first daughter. That was how she wrote names of prospective partners for her children. I asked to know how she got all the names. She simply told me that she compiled them by writing down the names of all those who came to visit her children. She handed the exercise book over to me, asking me to make the right choice, as a prophet. However, she honestly told me that she had made similar requests in other places. A lot of parents are still doing the same thing today.
Let me share a story with you.
A particular woman suffered terribly because she had a strongman attached to her destiny. When she married the first husband, she woke up around 2:00 a.m. on the night of her wedding only to discover that the man was placing his two legs on the wall. She woke him up but the man kept on lying down like a log of wood. She shook him violently. It took the man five minutes before he opened his eyes.
She received the greatest shock of her life when the man said, “Never you
make this mistake again for the rest of your life. Whenever you see me in that position, be sure that I have undertaken a spiritual journey. If you ever touch me, you are in trouble. However, I am going to discipline your father and your mother for what you have just done.”
By the time the sister woke up the next day she was told that her father and mother had died. She was so frightened that she packed out her load and ran out from the man’s house.
Five years later, she got married to another man. Just as soon as she had gotten married, the new husband woke up at exactly 2:00 a.m., dragged her to the door at the boy’s quarters where he told her, “Let me warn you. Don’t ever open this door. If you ever try it, you will die.”
She was so confused that she did know what to do. One day, she came under so much pressure that she decided to open the door. On opening it, she saw a lifeless old woman that was as dry as stockfish. She discovered that the woman was carrying a calabash. To her surprise, wads of currency littered the ground. She almost fainted. That was how she packed out and backed out of the second marriage.
She kept on marrying the wrong people. I want you to close your eyes and take this prayer point.
Every error sponsored by. being bewitched, clear away, by the blood of Jesus.
Wipe out all satanic demands and agreements made with your ancestors, by the blood of Jesus.
You may not know the kind of agreement or covenant which your forefathers or ancestors have made. For example, they might have covenanted all your family members to a lifetime of untimely death, failure at the edge of miracles, and poverty. They might have also made a covenant to the effect that everybody who eats okro in this family will never succeed. They might have agreed that none of their family members would stop worshipping idol. A great curse would have been placed on those who violate such deep agreements.
Unknown to you, such agreements may be in place and if you fail to cancel them and you violate them ignorantly, your efforts will not yield any positive result. The devil will torment you and God will never show you a secret. You must cancel all negative agreements.
Silence every evil voice that is speaking against you
Unknown to many people, all kinds of voices are speaking against them. The voices speaking against you may be the voices of the babies which you have aborted. It may the voice of the lady who decided to take her life or who ran mad or suffered mental depression after she was jilted that is crying against you.
The voice crying against you may be the voice of the altar of your ancestors. Gideon suffered because a voice was crying against him. He was supposed to be a mighty man of valour yet he lived like a slave. He lived far away from where he was supposed to be. There was something in his father’s compound speaking against him.
Deal with all voices that are speaking against you.
Destroy the time clock of the devil
Do you know that the devil has his own clock with which he controls the destiny of men and women? He operates many lives without a clock. You must stop the clock from controlling your destiny.
Destroy every evil blood covenant
Cut such covenants off completely. As long as any form of blood covenant continues to control your life your destiny may never be fulfilled. Your spiritual eye may never remain open unless you cut off every evil blood covenant.
Cut off every evil attachment with heavenly beings.
Take prayers of slaughter against demonic beings.
If you can carry out all these steps, you will be amazed at the kind of revelation which God will grant you. God will show deep things about what is
going on in secret places concerning your life.
I shared a very important experience during one of our Power Must Change Hands programmes. There was this very wealthy sister whose life was upside down. She ran from place to place in search of help. To make matter worse, one of her friends offered to take her to a very powerful fetish priest or ‘herbalist’ as they are called in Nigerian English.
When the sister got to the house of the herbalist, she was surprised to discover that the man was a cripple and was an illiterate. The highly-educated and wealthy sister was shocked when the fetish priest told her that the only way of receiving solution to her problem was to allow him to sleep with her. She turned back and decided to look for solution in another place.
Her friend persuaded her to consider what the fetish priest was saying. She told her that was exactly what she did during her own time of crisis. “Why don’t you do it and get over your problem?” she said.
She decided to close her eyes and allow the fetish priest to commit immorality with her. She took off her clothes and waited for the fetish priest. All of a sudden she heard the voice of the herbalist from underneath the bed saying, “Carry me.”
The lady got sick of the whole situation, put on her clothes and ran out of the herbalist’s house. She decided to perish if she would, instead of dancing to the tune of the fetish priest. That was how somebody directed her to me.
As soon as she came, she was given some prayer programmes. She began to see an egg suspended from the ceiling of the room. That was how God granted her the opportunity of seeing a hole in the wall.
She went to her mother, armed with some questions. “Is there anything in my history that has something to do with suspended eggs?”
The mother answered, “Yes, there is this particular issue. In those days, when I was pregnant, I was always suffering miscarriages. I consulted a fetish priest who carried out a ritual which has something to do with a suspended egg. That was how I gave birth to you.” The sister discovered, for the first time in her life, that her life had been suspended like an egg.
A lot of things are happening in this world. The kind of prayer at the end of this chapter goes beyond what should be handled carelessly. The kinds of prayer you will pray in order to be granted access into divine secrets are not ordinary ones. You must pray with every strength within you. You must pray fervently to be given an insight into the spiritual realm. At that point nothing will ever scare you. You will be confident, no matter what evil powers are trying to say.
Are you not tired of living like an unbeliever? Why should you fail to know what is going on in your life? Now is the time to cry unto God to convert your dreams to visions. Ask God to take you beyond the level of dreams to the realm of revelations. Pray until God begins to open your. eyes to the secrets of your enemies.