This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say:Â Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
What does it mean to be oppressed?
To be oppressed means to be put under subjection by a force stronger than you are.
It means to be tortured by certain forces that are beyond your control.
Oppression is not only experienced physically, it could be psychological, financial, marital, educational and most importantly spiritual. For a person to be under oppression physically, the oppression must have been planted spiritually. Nothing can come into manifestation unless it has been accomplished in the spirit.
Oppression is a state of captivity in which you rely on your enemy for survival. It is the foundation for difficulties, frustrations, hardships and unbearable sufferings. For an individual to be oppressed, he must have fulfilled certain criteria consciously or unconsciously. An oppressed fellow might be completely unaware of his state utile trouble starts.
Psalm 42:9: I will say unto God my rock, Why hast thou forgotten me?
why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?
These questions form the basis of what I am want you to attempt to answer them sincerely, as you read on.
No matter what form, shape or manner it taka, oppression is always from the camp of the enemy.
Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be
far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.
As Christians and children of the Most High God, oppression is meant to be far from us. This is God’s plan and purpose for our lives. However, it is not automatic that it works in our lives. It depends on the individual.
Eccl. 7:7: Surely oppression maketh wise man mad; and a gift destroyeth the heart.
From this verse, one can deduce that a man can only lay claim to wisdom when he is not oppressed. When oppression comes upon a man, he becomes another creature. He cannot regulate or control his affairs anymore because a power stronger than him is now in place. He really needs the mercy of God.
Acts of the Apostles 10:38: How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.
In this verse, we are introduced to the power that can break the backbone of oppression. It is the Holy Ghost and the power of God. We can also notice that when a fellow has been under the power of oppression, he needs healing.
Many of us look and feel quite happy with ourselves. We are not quarreling with anybody or at war with any force. But when oppression sets in, our countenance changes and a kind of force takes control of our lives. As a result, many of us cannot explain the mystery we find ourselves in. When oppression comes upon a person, it introduces, an evil load upon him. And because of the heavy load that has been introduced, the person who used to be good becomes bad all of a sudden.
What does it mean to oppress?
To oppress means to weigh down. It also means to sit upon a person. To oppress means to cruelly exercise power over a person.
It could also mean to cause a person to be depressed. “Surely,” the Bible says, “oppression maketh a wise man mad.”
To be oppressed means to be under a very hard yoke and a heavy burden. Jesus Christ says, “Come unto me all you whose yokes are hard and your burdens are heavy and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Jesus recognized the implication of a yoke or burden in our lives. Like God the Father, Jesus gives each and everyone free will to choose whom to serve. But you must realize that we shall all reap what we sow in this world.
One of our brothers, who found a lady he wanted to marry, claimed he loved her with the whole of his heart and that she was God’s choice for him. Things began to happen quickly over the marriage.
Oppression makes the yoke hard and the load heavy
Each time he wanted to sleep, he would dream that the lady dressed like a man. He got confused and told her not to come to his house anymore. The next morning, the first person to come to him was the lady. She told him that he had entered into her and she had entered into him, so his glory was now in her hands. He sent her away, but when he got to the office that morning, he saw a letter waiting for him. He was ordered to submit his car and his house to his employers, and to tender a letter of resignation immediately.
He went home to console himself, but on getting there, he noticed that thieves had come and stolen everything in the house, including the refrigerator. He ran back to the lady and said that he had made a slip of tongue. She forgave him and in less than a week, those who sacked him came back, apologized and reinstated him. This fellow died of oppression three years ago. The yoke he chose was too hard for him.
Oppression makes the yoke hard and the load heavy. The bible says Christ’s yoke is easy and His burden is light. What does it still mean to be oppressed? It is for a wicked spirit to sit on someone’s shoulder,
consistently harassing the person. It is sad but true that over 90 per cent of church-goers or so-called Christians suffer from one form of oppression or the other. You may deceive yourself by saying it is a lie but I know what I am talking about. Even in places where they shout and pray against the devil, if you are not free from doing his will, you are in deeper oppression compared to the unbelievers. The devil will deceive the unbeliever into committing sin for which he will get his reward, but the devil will torture you for praying against him and still doing his will.
Oppression is a terrible thing. It is a form of slavery.
Oppression is usually the first point of attack of the enemy. Most cases reported in the hospitals, either early or late, are usually cases of oppression.
There are 15 different kinds of oppression. I want you to read them carefully so you can realise their consequences and appreciate the need for you to be free from their captivity.
You just find out that something is not right with your body. You do not feel the way you should feel. There is something oppressing your body.
One of the greatest deliverance cases I have ever seen in my life was the one of a fellow who used to be very bright. All of a sudden, he became very dull. When the number of students in the class was 30, his position was the last and when they became 36, he took the 36th position. The teachers were confused. Nobody knew that there could be a padlock in the head of a person. As they laid hands on him on the deliverance ground, he coughed out a padlock. Right from that day, he moved again from 36th position to the 1st position.
“Every padlock of witchcraft locking my virtue, die, in the name of Jesus.”
Many people are under these categories of oppression. The devil has limited the anointing upon their lives and they are now confused about what is happening to them.
Many marriages are of convenience. Many couples are suffering day and night. I went to visit a couple and the hair of the madam was wet with water. She greeted me well, smiling at me, instead of telling me the truth that her husband had just put her head into a water closet and flushed it, and that he was still there, getting ready to beat her up. This is a case of marital oppression.
Now let me say that it is not only the man that oppresses the woman. Women now know how to oppress fellow women, and how to oppress and deal ruthlessly with men. I have seen a man trying to go out and the woman said if he stepped out of the door, hunger would kill him. He quickly went back because it was only the woman that was working.
Oppression has been programmed by the devil into an institution like marriage whose founder and chief proprietor is God Himself. This is very sad.
Those who know about the university system of know that before one can move from one level to the other, one is asked to publish papers that would meet international standards and be reckoned with around the world. Some lecturers write as if they want to die, yet their works are not recognized. This man spent days and nights writing but they were not seen as materials. This is a situation where effort is not used to measure achievement.
Instead of people or Christians to fulfil the scripture that “The young shall dream dreams and the old shall see visions,” every night is another battle ground of war with forces that are stronger than they are. Some situations have got so serious that those concerned attempt not to sleep at night so as to avoid being fed or battered in the dream. Some see dead relatives, others experience terrible nightmares.
Verbal oppression is a case where the tongue becomes a snare to the whole body. Although a small member of the body, the tongue can set the whole world ablaze. As lifeless as it may seem, the tongue is tougher and stronger than a gun or a sword. It is a weapon, which when not controlled, could cause mass destruction. With it we bless, with it we curse; with it we give life, with it we take life.
Is a state when you notice that most of the time, for inconsequential and unnecessary issues, you just feel sad and downcast. You can’t explain why or what happened. You just know that something keeps telling you that all is not well.
Has become as common as bread and butter. In those days, witches were ashamed and used to hide their identity and association. But today, they have become as important as the united Nations, as some people have become dependent on them for their existence and survival. This may sound strange but it has continued to wax stronger and stronger as many Christians have given room to modernism and liberty to enjoy the pleasures or ordinances of the world.
Inherited oppression is transferred from parents to children. The bible says that curses which are issued on some people are carried onto their third and fourth generation. You may not have offended anyone; you may not have done anything wrong but for the mere fact that you belong to a certain lineage or kindred, certain forces have been put in place before you were born to oppress you, except you are delivered by the mercy of God.
Those who experience forced oppression, like those who are oppressed unconsciously can do nothing about it. They fight by the means they know, yet they remain oppressed. Many of such people are Christians. For them to be saved, they need to pray specific and targeted prayers that will locate the unprotected forehead of their oppressors.
When oppression goes beyond tolerance, madness results. That is why the bible says, “Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad.” Oppression is a destroyer and a maddening power. Oppression has an imprisonment power. It has a dominating and demoting power. It has a burdening and yoke power. It is not the normal function of oppression to kill a person. It will just keep the person unsettle, uncomfortable and depressed. It can be linkened to a parasite.
They say that a good parasite does not kill the host. But a bad parasite like cancer will kill its host and have nothing to eat again, Like a tapeworm that stays inside the tummy, it waits for you to eat and digest your food. It only begins to operate when the individual is trying to absorb the nutrients into the body. Oppression is a terrible satanic spirit. It sometimes come upon a person and the person would say he feels like a breeze coming upon him. It can be compared to when you’re trying to sleep and suddenly feel like a deep freezer is plugged to your bed, and the cold runs through your body,
and then goes away.
The spirit of oppression has done an unquantifiable amount of havoc to men and women. Oppression is the center forward player in the enemy’s football team. If it gets in, other more terrible spirits would move in. There is no amount of work you will do that will prevent some people from getting into conscious oppression with their eyes wide open. Some of the victims don’t just know what to do. The devil has so bamboozled them that they believe there is no way out.
Oppression is a masquerading spirit that comes in different forms
Oppression is a demon assigned by the devil to trap and to cage. Once it is dispatched against you, you must fight it to a standstill with all your strength, and heart. It causes heavy and antagonistic feeling in the body, soul and spirit. Like a virus in a computer system, it will prepare a person for a total and permanent shut-down.
Oppression can originate in early childhood
Oppression is a masquerading spirit that comes in different forms. It can enter into the life of an individual through all kinds of avenues. Anytime you no longer know whether to follow God or the devil, you are being oppressed. If you are always at the cross-roads in your spiritual life, not knowing if you should hold on to Jesus or go back to the world, you’re being oppressed.
Oppression is particularly stubborn. When you find a particular sin holding a person captive, then it is oppression. When you see someone who, in spite of praying hard, his instrument of sin is in his pocket, he is under oppression.
In 1994 after a message on ‘Brokenness,’ a minister of God from another church came to see me. Immediately he entered my office he broke down, cried and said I should help him. He was a pastor, who kept cigarettes in his pocket. Even after the sermon on brokenness, he still kept his cigars. He was under oppression.
Oppression can originate in early childhood. Many spoilt their kids by oppressing them at a very young age. So, oppression can become a major factor in shaping a child’s life.
Oppression presses you down when you are struggling to succeed.
Oppression is when you are going from one disappointment to the other. It is a mind destroyer. It has no respect for persons or races. Oppression is when your sleep is being disturbed or when you over-sleep.
Oppression is when you have an abnormal appetite; when you eat too much or eat too little.
Oppression is when a person is so upset with life that he refuses to go out or he wants to end it all.
Oppression is when you refuse to forgive yourself.
Oppression brings a spirit of worthlessness with it. All forms of addictions are oppressions. It starts from small things like tobacco, snuff, drinks and cigarettes.
Oppression can cause fear in the mind of a person.
Oppression can remove a person from those that will help him so that the enemy can have unmolested control over him. It is when satan becomes an authoritative figure in a person’s life. It is when problems are packaged neatly for the future. This means that many people are just bombs walking around and getting ready to explode.
Oppression is spiritual weight. It is known for its ability to make a person stray from his divine destination. It is progressive insanity.
Unfortunately, at times, relevant prayers are not employed to make amend to what oppression has destroyed.
If you notice that you are being tormented by wicked oppressive spirits, then you are under oppression. Is the enemy attacking every area of your life? You should know you are suffering from multiple oppression. Do you notice that you are spiritually stagnant? Do you notice uncomfortable financial embarrassment? Do you discover that your helpers are running away? Is your marriage a cat and mouse marriage?
Do you notice that all those evil family patterns are happening to you one after the other? Are all other members of your family doing very well, but you seem to be the only one not doing well? If yes, then you must know that there is oppression on ground.
How Do We Break The Backbone of Oppression
You must give your life to Jesus so that through the baptism and anointing of the Holy Spirit, shackles of oppression can be destroyed completely. God first loved us and gave His only begotten Son to die for us. We need not remain under any form of oppression.
The Bible says the word of God is like a hammer that breaks rocks into pieces. When we renew our minds with the word of God, bondage must be broken, no matter how old they are; no matter who put them there or where they came from. I expect anyone who wants to be immune to oppression to know, at least, 52 memory verses.
At one of the Prayer Rain meetings, I shared a testimony about a woman with a very terrible problem. She had the result of two scans in her hand. Scan one said she was six months pregnant, while scan two said her womb was completely empty. For this, she went for a crusade and went to the section for the fruit of the womb but was directed to join the section for Holy Ghost baptism. She got baptized in the Holy Ghost, got into labour and was delivered of a large snail. When you receive the genuine baptism of the Holy Ghost, there is no way the wonder-working power of God will not come upon you and something will definitely happen.
When we repent of our sins, the Lord promises us forgiveness and deliverance. Repentance removes the ladder and the legal ground of the enemy. Many of us need to repent of the wrong use of our eyes, ears, mouths, hearts and most especially, our tongues. The activities are known to you, but once the tongue issues forth a statement, it goes into the wind to your listener and can never return to you. You can plead to be forgiven but you can never
get back your words.
By the powers in the name and the blood of Jesus, you can cast out the demon of oppression. Our bodies are the sacred temples of God and a spirit or a false personality is not supposed to dwell therein.
By this I mean the kind of faith exercised by Bartimaeus. He called on the Most High God: “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.” He was told to keep quiet, but the more he was silenced, the more he screamed. His voice was not the loudest but his faith was the strongest. He held our Lord Jesus at one spot and made Him to return and attend to him. The day you have violent faith, you will experience what to some others is “Impossible.” For with our God, all things are possible.
There are many methods of deliverance but the best remains the power of prayer. Prayer has prevailed over fire, water and the earth. Joshua prayed in the bible and stopped the movement of the sun. Prayer has prevailed over angels. It has cast out the devil and broken down his kingdom.
Prayer has power over good angels to bring them from heaven. Prayer has healed the sick and raised the dead. In the case of Daniel, prayer has stopped the mouth of lions. It has subdued evil powers and put then to flight.
Prayer has opened prison gates and completely blindfolded the enemy. There is no artillery of hell fire that can stand against prayer. It is like an engine that makes the enemy tremble. The power of prayer remains undefeatable. The power of prayer is beyond human comprehension.
Holy Ghost fire, come upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of spiritual dowries, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every counterfeit spiritual honeymoon, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
(Lay your hands on your stomach) Every sexual serpent and scorpion,
die, in the name of Jesus.
Inherited oppression in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
Environmental darkness in my area, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
Dream robbers, die, in the name of Jesus.
I fire back every arrow of oppression, in the name of Jesus.