This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say:Â Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
An altar is a structure on which sacrifices are made. It is a place of covenant, be it physical or spiritual. The presence of an altar goes side by side with the presence of a priest who offers the sacrifices. This gives us a kind of trinity – the altar, the sacrifice and the priest.
Generally speaking, there are two types of altars: physical and spiritual. Much as we have physical altars, there
are also invisible altars which we cannot behold with out naked eyes. Altars are located in so many places. There are some on land while some are located in the heavenlies. However, the altar we are going to examine closely in this chapter is the altar of mind control. This is the altar which controls the minds of a multitude of people.
There are certain spirits whose main responsibility is to control the minds of men and women in a negative manner. It is very essential that we know how to deal with them.
Everyone living on earth is a product of two main influences. The first influence is stated in Proverbs 23:7:
For as he thinketh in his heart so is he.
The second influence is found in Proverbs 18:21:
Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
These two passages show that two things shapen our lives on earth: our thoughts and our words. What you are today is a product
of what you have been thinking and saying. The Bible tells us that a man who can control his tongue is a perfect man. Let us read the exact words of the Bible.
For in many things we offend all, if any man offends not in words the same is a perfect man and also able to bridle his whole body.
Any man who can control his tongue will succeed in controlling his entire body. The tongue has the power to pollute the whole body. An angry man who decides to allow his tongue to run riot will end up destroying himself as well as other people. Show me a man who speaks as many as 300 words per minute, such a man will be loose in every part of his life. Talkatives are miles away from God. This shows us how strong a person’s tongue can be.
Jesus went straight to the root of the problem in Matthew 12:34:
O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Here is the source of the majority of the problems in the lives of men and women. They bring out wicked things from the dark room of their hearts. Negative pictures are printed from there. The heart is the origin of all evil. The mind is the bed rock of evil. Bad words come from bad minds.
Show me a man whose words are dirty and destructive and I will show you that his heart is corrupt. If a man comes to me saying, “I don’t know what is going on in my mind; I just don’t understand why I find myself thinking about evil things at all times”, I will know that such a man has a great deal of work to do on his mind.
What is the antidote to the problem of the mind? The Bible says, “Thou will keep him a perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.” You need a divine touch before your mind can be fully delivered. Lasting peace can only become yours if you can surrender your heart
to God. A heart that is controlled by God will experience great peace.
Conversely, a godless mind will experience great trouble and turmoil.
The presence of carnality in the mind makes you God’s enemy. To be close to God is to possess a wholesome mind. That is why the Bible says that God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of a sound mind. To have a sound mind you must surrender your heart to God. There is no short-cut to possessing a heart that is wholesome.
While some people’s minds are sound, others are fragmented, confused and deadly. There is no denying the fact that the minds of many people are no better than the devil’s workshop. The Bible also tells us that there are people who are double- minded. These and other reasons make us to realise the importance of the heart. That is why the Bible says:
Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.
This is simple and clear. Anything that can control your mind will control your thoughts. Consequently, it will control your words as well as your actions. At the end, it will control the totality of your life. It goes beyond that: whatever controls your mind will definitely control your destiny.
If you allow your mind to be controlled by bad spirits you will be easily defeated by the devil. That is why the devil goes for the heart at all times. He knows that with the heart he succeeds at destroying innocent lives.
The devil also knows that God operates from the heart. He therefore tries to corrupt it with a view to making it unsuitable for any form of divine operation. Survey whatever God has done in your life so far, you will discover that He started from your heart. That is why God declared:
My son, give me thine heart, . . . (Prov. 23:26).
That is not the only side of the story. The devil is also clamouring for your heart, saying, “Give me your heart’. When you allow the devil to grab your heart he will grab your thoughts, words, actions, life and destiny. That is why the devil has raised up a demonic squad called mind-control spirits.
These spirits are meticulous in the discharge of their duties. They have gone nuclear in their operations. The process of controlling a human mind is complex. Their method is by no means haphazard. They carefully execute scientific demonic actions. These actions are carried out by high class demonic agents. I am sure you know that a surgeon can operate with more precision than a quack.
There are some very careful and intelligent spirits who are assigned to control the heart. I am saddened to tell you that these spirits have succeeded in destroying the lives of many people.
What is their process of destroying the lives of people?
The human heart functions like a camera. It takes pictures and develops them in the dark room of the mind. The pictures in the heart cause problems which go on until the victims are totally destroyed.
Mind control spirits constitute a very powerful family of evil spirits. There is hidden power behind them. They constitute a major force, in the army of the devil. A lot of lives are under their control, and influence. They would not rest until they gain total control of the lives of their victims.
They can prevent a person from thinking clearly. A lot of people come to me to complain about hearing strange voices. This is the handiwork of these mind controllers.
Inability to concentrate during prayers is also the work of demonic mind-controllers. I know people who tried to pray but could not continue immediately something struck their hearts. Such a disturbance may sound ordinary but it goes beyond that level. Imagine that you are holding a serious telephone conversation, you are about to make an important point only to be distracted by an insignificant matter. You suddenly drop the phone while the man at the other end of the telephone is still hanging on, saying, “Hello, are you still there?” He keeps on speaking until he becomes tired and decides to drop the receiver. By the time you are through with the distraction you get back to the phone only to start all over to dial. It may take you days to reach the person again.
There are people who find it difficult to continue praying the moment they get to a certain stage in their prayer. Suddenly, they become afraid having seen an evil presence. Such evil presence can become so palpable as to put an abrupt stop to their prayer. They momentarily lose their focus and are unable to regain it. Hence, they are sent back to square one.
These spirits are also responsible for most of the insanity or mental illnesses that occur in the society.
They are responsible for feelings of looming death. A lot of people go about feeling that they could collapse and die any moment. Some people also receive dangerous compulsive instructions. For instance, when they see oncoming vehicles, something tells them to jump into the middle of the road. Also the minds of some people are so attacked that they swallow a whole bottle of Valium tablets.
Recently, a professor of mathematics was attacked by demonic mind controllers and he lost his sense of reasoning. The attack was not so pronounced initially. Members of his family and neighbours only
discovered that he was becoming strange in his ways. He would work some meaningless mathematics on the windscreen of his car.
Whenever he talked to his colleagues he would stop abruptly, bend down and begin to work mathematics on the ground with his fingers. Sometimes, he would work mathematics verbally in the middle of a conversation. Things continued that way until it became clear that he was mad. That was not his only problem. He also put his 16-year old housemaid in the family way. That was how his life was ruined by demonic mind controllers.
Mind-controlling forces also work in the area of male/female relationship. On certain occasions I warned female members of the church not to marry some unconverted gentlemen. Some of them refused my counsel saying, “Don’t worry, pastor, I am going to convert him. He will soon follow me to the church,” They ended up marrying the wrong persons. They were so adamant that they avoided me until they did what was in their minds. Unknown to them they were victims of demonic mind-controllers. Some ladies stuck to their guns saying that they were desperate to get married. They were prepared to marry even alcoholics and smokers.
Mind-controlling spirits are at work today more than any other time in human history. Occult groups now advertise in dailies or magazines. Some groups in India now advertise promising to send charms, amulets, rings and love potions to unsuspecting young men and women. A lot of people have fallen victims of their demonic manipulations. They would tell a young man, “Buy our special powder and rub it on your face. If you look at any lady with that powder on your face she will just follow you and do whatever you tell her. You can also buy our ring. It can make you escape accidents or attacks by armed robbers.” The young man would send money to India asking the occult company to send him those things.
A lot of men and women actually hate immorality but they discover that they are unable to control themselves whenever they come in
contact with particular persons. Evil thoughts bombard their hearts day and night until they are no longer able to resist the urge. Although such people hate those thoughts yet they are unable to stop thinking along those lines. This is the work of satanic agents who are always seeking to control the minds of people.
They use a lot of techniques in the African environment. For example, they control people’s mind through access to their photographs. They also try to use people’s hairs to manipulate their minds. For example, they can afflict somebody with horrible headache by using his hair. They would light a candle and begin to pour hot candle wax on the hair until the head of the owner of the hair would begin to ache. Demonic agents also make incantations on people’s hair until they transfer madness or headache into the lives of their victims. I came across strange stories concerning these practices during my years of counselling people.
Sometimes wicked agents of the devil would use black candles to compel their victims to commit suicide. They also use black candles as instruments of attacking innocent people until such people become sick and die. The black candle is a terrible satanic weapon. It is used for death. Occult people and magicians use red candle to lure innocent people into lust and immorality.
If you have ever submitted your photographs to fetish priests or false prophets you must say the following prayer points with all seriousness. If your shoes, head gear, underwears, or clothes have disappeared mysteriously, then you must pray with all your strength. If you have ever made a mistake of giving your picture to an occult boyfriend you stand the risk of having your mind controlled negatively. Close this book for a moment and take this prayer point.
Any symbol used against me in the demonic world, I withdraw you by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Take that prayer point also if you happen to have given your picture to your former boyfriend or girlfriend, especially if you have left him/her for another partner. The picture can be used to control your life, frustrate your efforts and destroy your future.
From the foregoing, you can see that mind-controlling spirits are wicked and can do a lot of havoc against men and women. Run your mind through certain unpleasant situations which you have passed through in recent times.
Can you see that such problems are the results of the activities of mind-controlling spirits?
Is your mind attacked by evil spirits? Are you losing your mind gradually?
In what way are evil spirits destroying your mind?
You must never take anything for granted. You must deal squarely with all mind controlling spirits. In the next chapter we shall examine other areas of the manipulation of the mind for evil purposes.
- Every evil record fashioned against me, blood of Jesus wipe them off, in the name of Jesus.
- Any evil rope on my loins, be broken, in the name of Jesus. (Place your two hands on your waist as you take this prayer point.)
. Make the following confession:
O Lord, it is written that even the lawful captive shall be delivered. Therefore, I decree today, according to the word of the Lord, I command every lawful bondage in my life to break, in the name of Jesus.
- I come against every marine spirit by the word of the Lord, in the name of Jesus.
. Every marine certificate, burn, in the name of Jesus.
- You marine power, release every good thing that belongs to me which you are holding under bondage, in the name of Jesus.
. I pronounce divine jubilee upon my life, in Jesus’ name.
- Sing this song in a prayerful mood: ‘In heaven He’s won the battle, On earth He’s won the battle, in the water He’s won the battle, Praise Jesus, the Man of war.’
- O Lord, increase my strength for warfare today, in the name of Jesus.
- I ride on the horses of war today, in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord, let Your arrow be strong against the heart of my enemy today, in the name of Jesus.
- Make the following confession:
‘I arrest the horses, the chariots, and the horsemen of marine powers, in the name of Jesus.’
- I frustrate the token of marine powers, in Jesus’ name.
- You marine power, I command your diviners to be made mad right now, in the name of Jesus.
- You . . . river, release my virtues, in the name of Jesus. (Place the name of river in your village or town in the blank space).
- Every area of co-operation with water spirits, I command you to be broken today, in the name of Jesus.
- Every ancestral covenant with water spirits, break, in the name of Jesus. (Place your hand on your stomach, around your navel, as you take this prayer).
- Make this prayer confession:
‘You water spirit, hear the word of the Lord, I have given my life to Jesus the Lord. You have no authority over me again. Therefore, I bring the rebuke of the Lord upon you. I anchor your head to divine judgement, in the name of Jesus.
- Every deposit of water spirit in my life, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus.
0. Make the following confession of faith:
‘It is written, henceforth, let no man trouble me for I bear in my body the mark of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am crucified with Christ. Every handwriting contrary to my life must be nailed to the cross. Therefore I break every dedication to water spirits. Any blood or water pollution in my body, come out by fire. I destroy every record of marine powers kept against my destiny in the marine world and I redeem myself by the blood of Jesus.’
- I release myself from every sex trap, in Jesus’ name.
- Any spiritual plan contrary to the Holy Ghost, I reject you, in the name of Jesus.
- Make the following confession of faith:
‘Jesus is my original spouse and He is jealous over me. Therefore, I issue a bill of divorcement to every spirit wife, in the name of Jesus. Every spirit wife and every spirit husband, I bind you with everlasting chains, in the name of Jesus.
- You spirit wife/spirit husband, I burn your certificate and I destroy your ring, in the name of Jesus.
- Let every evil spirit spouse hear this announcement. I bear in my body the mark of the Lord Jesus. I announce to the devil that I am married to Jesus. Every sin of fornication on my body that has been written with iron pen, I Wipe off, in the name of Jesus.
- Every trade mark of water spirits, be shaken out of my life, in the name of Jesus.
- I bring the blood of Jesus against all the spirits that do not want me to go.
- For every report made against me by wicked spirits, I file a counter report against them, in the name of Jesus.
- Every satanic exhibit tendered against me, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- My redeemer is my Maker and He is my Husband, in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord, defend Your interest in my life.