This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say:Â Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
Ministerial success goes beyond the acquisition of theological knowledge or hard work.
A good number of spiritual factors determine the level of success which anyone in the ministry would achieve. A typical minister has lots of hostile powers to contend with. The devil has assigned hindering forces to each minister to programme failure into the work of the ministry. To succeed therefore, you need a great deal of prayer. Since the work of the ministry is spiritual in nature, the minister must fight and win certain battles in the spiritual realm to achieve success in the ministry.
You will achieve success in the ministry as a minister if you will take time to handle this prayer programme with uncommon aggression. This is the secret of success in the ministry.
Scriptures: John 12:24; 2Cor.6; 1Cor.9:16; Deut. 28:13; Rom. 8:35-39.
Confessions: Psalm 27:2: When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
Matthew 3:11: I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
Galatians 3:13-14 : Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
2 Tim. 4:18: And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Col. 1:13: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
Col. 2:15: And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
Hebrews 2:15: And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
Praise Worship
Thank God for the privilege of your calling.
Thank God for providing deliverance from any form of bondage.
Confess your sins and those of your ancestors, especially those sins linked to evil powers.
Ask the Lord for forgiveness.
I cover myself with the blood of Jesus.
You the power in the blood of Jesus, separate me from the sins of my ancestors.
Blood of Jesus, remove any unprogressive label from every aspect of my life.
O Lord, create in me a clean heart by Your power.
O Lord, renew a right spirit within me.
O Lord, teach me to die to self.
O Lord, ignite my calling with Your fire.
O Lord, anoint me to pray without ceasing.
O Lord, establish me a holy person unto You.
O Lord, restore my spiritual eyes and ears, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, let the anointing to excel in my spiritual and physical life fall on me.
O Lord, produce in me the power of self-control and gentleness.
O Lord, let the anointing of the Holy Spirit break every yoke of backwardness in my life.
Holy Spirit, control my ability to frame my words, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost, breathe on me now, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost fire, ignite me to the glory of God.
Every form of rebellion, flee from my heart, in the name of Jesus.
Every spiritual contamination in my life, receive cleansing by the blood of Jesus.
You the brush if the Lord, scrub out every dirtiness in my spiritual pipe, in the name of Jesus.
Every rusted spiritual pipe in my life, receive wholeness, in the name of Jesus.
Every power, eating up my spiritual pipe, roast, in Jesus' name.
I renounce any evil dedication placed upon my life, in Jesus' name.
I break every evil edict and ordination, in the name of Jesus.
I renounce and loose myself from every negative dedication placed upon my life, in Jesus' name.
All demons, associated with negative dedication, leave now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I loose myself from any inherited bondage, in the name of Jesus
I break loose from every inherited evil covenant, in the name of Jesus.
I break loose from every inherited evil curse, in the name of Jesus.
All foundational strongmen, attached to my life, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel the consequences of any evil local name, attached to my person, in the name of Jesus.
I bind all principalities and powers of . . . operating over and within my life, in the name of Jesus.
I bind every power, pulling anything in my body towards evil by means of energy drawn from the sun, the moon and the stars, in Jesus name.
I bind every power, pulling anything in my body towards evil by means of energy drawn from the planets, constellations and the earth, in the name of Jesus.
I bind every power, pulling anything in my body towards evil, by means of energy drawn from the . . ., in the name of Jesus.
I forbid any transfer of spirit into my life from thy family friends and associates, in the name of Jesus.
Every altar, speaking against my divine destiny, be dismantled, in the name of Jesus.
Every chain of inherited witchcraft in my family, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil plantation in my life: Come lout with all your roots in the name of Jesus! (Lay your hands on your stomach and keep repeating the emphasised area.)
(Lay one hand on your head, and the other on your stomach or navel, and begin to pray like this): Holy Ghost fire, burn from the top of my head to the sole of my feet. Begin to mention every organ of your body; your kidney, liver, intestines, etc. You must not rush at this level, because the fire will actually come and you may start feeling the heat.
I cut myself off from every spirit of . . . (mention the name of your place of birth), in the name of Jesus.
I cut myself off from every tribal spirit and curse, in Jesus' name.
I cut myself off from every territorial spirit and curse, in Jesus name.
Every evil spiritual padlock and evil chain, hindering my spiritual growth, roast, in the name of Jesus.
I rebuke every spirit of spiritual deafness and blindness in my life, in the name of Jesus.
I send the fire of God to my eyes and ears to melt away satanic deposits, in the name of Jesus.
You my spiritual sight and eardrum, receive healing, in Jesus' name.
You spirit of confusion loose your hold over my life, in Jesus' name.
By the power of God, I will not loose my calling, in the name of Jesus.
I reject the spirit of the tail; I choose the spirit of the head, in the name of Jesus.
I reject any demonic limitation on my progress, in the name of Jesus.
I reject the, anointing of non-achievement in my handiwork, in the name of Jesus.
I declare that I am called of God. No evil power shall cut me down, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, give me the power to be faithful to my calling, in Jesus' name.
I receive the anointing remain steady, committed and consistent in my ministerial life, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not be lured into politics, church rivalry or rebellion, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, give me the wisdom to respect my teachers and seniors, who have trained me, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, give me the heart of a servant, so that I can experience Your blessings everyday, in the name of Jesus.
I receive power, to rise up with wings as eagles, in the name of Jesus.
The enemy will not waste my calling, in the name of Jesus.
The devil will not swallow my ministerial destiny, in the name of Jesus.
Power for affective development in my calling, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
I declare war against spiritual ignorance, in the name of Jesus.
I bind and cast out every unteachable spirit, in the name of Jesus.
I receive the anointing for success in my ministry, in Jesus' name.
I shall not be an enemy of integrity, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not stool God's money, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not disgrace the call of God upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
I shall work in holiness everyday, in the name of Jesus.
I bind the spirit of sexual immorality, in the name of Jesus.
I receive the culture of loyalty in my ministry, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not become an old king that is resistant to advice, in the name of
I shall not live a wasteful or extravagant life, in Jesus name.
I shall not serve my wonderful Saviour for filthy financial gain, in the name of Jesus.
I bind every spirit of quarrels and opposition from my wife/husband, in the name of Jesus.
My wife/husband shall not scatter my church members, in Jesus' name
Every Judas in my ministry, fall into your own trap, in Jesus' name.
My ministry will not destroy my marriage, in the name of Jesus.
My marriage will not destroy my ministry, in the name of Jesus
My children will not be misfired arrows in my ministry, in Jesus' name
I claim progress and excellence for my ministry, in the name of Jesus.
My church shall experience prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, let my ministry reach the unreached, in the name of Jesus.
Multitude of people will go to heaven because of my ministry, in the name of Jesus.
I kill every attack on my ministry; I shall prevail, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not bite the fingers that fed me, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not engage in rebellion, in the name of Jesus.
Every power of my father's house, working against my calling, die, in the name of Jesus.
Anointing for excellence, fall upon me, in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, break me and re-mould me, in the name of Jesus.
I will not surrender to the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not die before my time, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not desire the prosperity of Naaman, in the name of Jesus.
Oh God arise and let every enemy of my calling scatter, in Jesus' name.
I receive fresh fire and fresh anointing, in the name of Jesus.
Holy fire of revival, fall upon my branch, in the name of Jesus.
Thank God, for answers to your prayers.
NOTE: These prayer points are to be said from midnight to 3:00 a.m.
for 3 days. At least one day dry fast is recommended.
Victory is yours, in Jesus’ name.