SPIRITUAL WEAPONS FOR SPIRITUAL WARFARE | Deliverance by fire by Dr. D. K. Olukoya

SPIRITUAL WEAPONS FOR SPIRITUAL WARFARE | Deliverance by fire by Dr. D. K. Olukoya

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This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones.

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Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage

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Each battle has its own weapon. God has a wide range of weapons in His armoury. Unfortunately, the devil has decided to continue to keep us in the dark as regards the potency, the uses and the availability of such weapons. If you have the most sophisticated weapons and you do not know that you have them, or you refuse to make use of them, they are useless, to say the least.

Knowledge of the weapons at the disposal of the Christian soldier is crucial to attainment of victory. There are lots of powerful weapons which have remained unknown, unexplored and unutilised to believers in this generation. These weapons are so potent that they can deal with billions of enemies and demons. You must know the weapons, which God has made available to you, and use them for all the battles which you are fighting.

We cannot appreciate the importance of a weapon until we get to the battlefield. When we come face to face with enemy forces brandishing all kinds of destructive weapons, we will come to grips with the fact that weapons are indispensable for survival and victory. To be unarmed and unschooled in the art of using weapons of spiritual warfare is to convert yourself to a mincemeat in the hands of the devil.

The Bible has warned us to: “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” This verse gives us a picture of a restless, fiendish foe. The devil is addicted to destruction; he is an incurable thief, killer and destroyer. That is why the Bible says, “The devil cometh but to steal, to kill and to destroy.” That is his three-fold ministry. It is suicidal, therefore, to face such an enemy without possessing and using effective weapons of spiritual warfare.

The Scriptures place a high premium on spiritual weapons for spiritual warfare. God has given us a very powerful revelation in Jeremiah 51:20-23:

Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war. for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms; 21And with thee will I break in pieces the horse and his rider, and with thee will I break in pieces the chariot and his rider, 22With thee also will I break in pieces man and woman; and with thee will I break in pieces old and young; and with thee will I break in pieces the young man and the maid; 23I will also break in pieces with thee the shepherd and his flock; and with thee will I break in pieces the husbandman and his yoke of oxen; and with thee will I break in pieces captains and rulers.

Besides fighting the battles of life, and dealing with every barrier to your breakthrough, you must take cognisance of the fact that God has many things to accomplish. He has chosen you as his battle-axe and weapon of war. If He wants to make you His weapon or instrument of achieving victory over the enemy and you lack knowledge of the weapon and the manner of warfare, you have failed in your divine assignment.

In global warfare, a nation is accorded supremacy over another nation by virtue of the type of the weapon available to the nation for use. For example, if the United States of America should come against a poor African country with its army of fighter jets, sub-marine, machine guns, state-of-the-art armoured tanks, nuclear war-heads, precision scud missiles and latest pump action guns, and let us imagine, for the purpose of illustration, that the attacked nation has a dilapidated fighter aircraft which is undergoing repairs and a few, malnourished, ill-equipped and demoralised foot soldiers, you can be sure that a country like United States of America will reduce such a nation to rubbles within one hour.

I have used this illustration to make one point: the more powerful your weapons are, the more threatening you would be to the enemy. You may ask, why do we need sophisticated spiritual weapons? Why don’t we forget about spiritual warfare and let sleeping dogs lie? The devil is not a sleeping dog; he is a restless, dogged fighter. Even if you decide to fold your arms, he will continue to fight against you until he has completed his mission of destroying you.

Ignorance is costly. The satanic kingdom is a complex, well-organised one.

The satanic kingdom has gone nuclear. Satan seems to be fighting his last battle.

We are given an open secret in the book of Revelation 12:12:

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters

of the earth and of the seal for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

Satan seems to have received a signal: Time is up! He knows that his days of opportunity are almost over; that is why he is fighting tooth and nail. He is bringing out the kind of destructive weapons which he has never used since the beginning of mankind’s history. He is burning the mid-night oil, using the last ounce of energy in him because he knows that one of these days, he will be arrested and bound.

Rev. 20:2-3: And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3And cast hi into the bottomless pig and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

lf the devil will soon be bound, how fierce or deadly do you expect hi to fight? To be sure, he is going to parade as well as give marching order to his entire forces. He and hi hosts are not going to leave any stone unturned. That is why the Bible says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

How do we fight principal demonic agents, wicked powers, rulers of the dark kingdom and wicked spirits who inhabit high places? Can we afford to go through life with lazes-faire or business-as-usual attitude? That will be very costly. To fight these arrays of satanic agents require sophisticated weapons of spiritual warfare.

Ephes. 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world. against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The passage shows that there is a wresting going on. It does not matter whether you believe it or not.

The word of God says, “We wrestle” and wrestling happens to be the most aggressive and dangerous of the entire combatant arts. If you were put in a boxing ring, there are some rules you must observe. For example, you must not

hit your opponent below the belt or use your head to smash his head. You cannot bite your opponent’s ear. These are against the rules. But in wrestling, everything goes. Your opponent can fold you up like a piece of paper and smash you against the rope or on the canvas.

One can strangulate the neck of the other wrestler, it is allowed. Even when a wrestler decides to use his head to smash the head of his opponent, it is allowed. This makes wrestling the most dangerous of all the combatant arts. And this happens to be the language the Bible uses to describe our war. The Bible does not say, ‘we box’, or ‘argue’, or ‘content with words’, or ‘debate’ but that ‘we wrestle.’ Wrestling involves the whole of the body.


In II Corinthians 10:4 we read another well-known verse:

2 Cor. 10:4: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty; through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

This clearly reinforces the fact that we are involved in a war and, thank God, we also have weapons to fight the war. A single prayer point can wreck a whole country, just as a single one can exalt a whole country. Prayer is the most vital weapon in the armoury of a true Christian. It is sufficient for the ”pulling down of strongholds.”

I Timothy 1:18 says,

But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;

Undoubtedly a raging battle is going on day and night. The only way the enemy will not rage against you in battle is:

If you choose to for go your divine destiny, or

If you wish to die.

But when you wish to pursue divine agenda you will have battle raging against you day and night and you either fight in that war or perish. There is no middle ground. Jesus said, “He who is not with us is against us.” If you have 75 people in your family and only five of them are born again, the remaining 70 are against you. This is the opinion of the Bible. He who does not gather with you, scatters. This is pointing in the same direction that a great battle rages on.


We were born into this spiritual warfare. A warfare is military operations between enemies, and military operations involve so many things.

Warfare is also an activity taken by one pup to destroy or weaken another group. Which means that whatever is weakening your power is fighting you.

Warfare is a conflict. This is why one of the earliest messages of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministry is entitled ‘The Ministry of Conflict’

Warfare is a struggle between opposing forces for a particular end.


The warfare that we engage in has the following characteristics:

IT IS FIERCE. The fact that you have never harmed anyone in your life does not mean you will not be harmed. This is why we say that the enemy is wicked.

THE WAR IS NOT AGAINST HUMAN BEING. This is where many people misunderstand the prayers of the MFM. When someone prays, “Be bound,” it means he gives no room for someone or something to operate. And when he says, “Be loose”, it means he allows something or someone to operate. This has been misunderstood by many.

Christians do not quarrel with anyone on the face of the earth. Nor do we quarrel with sinners, but with their sin. Christians do not quarrel with the heretics but with their heresies. We do not quarrel with somebody with witchcraft spirit inside of him, but our battle is with that spirit inside him. It is that spirit we “bind” or order to “fall down and die”, not the person.

OUR WAR IS WITH SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS, THAT IS FORCES THAT HAVE NO MERCY. The word ‘mercy’ exists only in our own dictionary, it does not exist in the dictionary of the wicked spirits.

OUR FOES ARE POWERFUL. If they were not, the Bible would not have exhorted us to “be strong in the Lord.” It would have said, “relax” or “be lukewarm”, but it says “be strong” because there is a strong opposition.

OUR FOES ARE IN DIFFERENT CLASSES AND ARE WIDER-AWAKE THAN WE ARE. You are the one who longs for a sabbatical or have malaria fever, they are always ready and active. It is the human being who goes for an operation and stays in the hospital for three weeks, our enemies do not. Human beings go on maternity leave demons take no leave. We always complain of tiredness, demons lire ever active. They are always awake and always on the prowl.

OUR WAR WILL NEVER CEASE UNTIL TRUTH ACHIEVES VICTORY. If you are reading this book and assume that since your priest or reverend father has prayed for you, you can afford to be idle, you are making a great mistake. You need to fight your own battle.

OUR WARFARE IS HEREDITARY. What does this mean? It means that neither you nor I began the warfare. It was handed to us since the blood of Abel cried for vengeance. The battle started right from then. Before then, there was no serious warfare but the day the blood of Abel began to cry, the battle started.

You can pick up weapons from the armoury of God, learn to us them and use them. If a weapon proves ineffective on the battlefield, you should return it to the armoury and try another. The type of war raging will determine the type of weapon to be used. In other words, the problem facing a man is what determines the success or usefulness of a weapon. A raging fire cannot be put out with a cutlass.


SURRENDER YOUR LIFE TO JESUS. You cannot go into the spiritual warfare if you are not born again.


USE THE NAME OF JESUS. This is unavoidable if you must succeed in spiritual warfare. The Bible says, “At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow.” It also says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs there and is saved.” So anytime someone prays with you and refuses to call the name of Jesus, pick up your Bible and bag and runaway.

USE YOUR AUTHORITY. This entails your accepting that the enemy has already fallen.

PRAY OUT LOUD AND BE SPECIFIC. The Bible teaches that, “Our words are spirits.” Which means they go to places.

USE THE WORD OF GOD TO FIGHT. This means that you must be well versed in Scripture and let the word of God dwell richly in you.


Sometime ago, the Abeokuta Branch of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles held a ten-day deliverance crusade. One evening, after a word of knowledge about a serpent coming out or dying by fire, a brother got home and found five big snakes in his compound all dead. Curiously, one of the dead snakes had a bulging tommy. All the dead snakes were burnt.

However, before the one with the bulging tommy was burnt they decided to cut open the tommy to see what was in there. When it was opened, they found birds there.

The people had been praying until that day when they used the right weapon.

This brought about the manifestation.


No one outgrows spiritual warfare.

You either fight or perish.

You cannot defeat the enemy outside when the enemy inside has not been dealt with. When a spirit has already got inside a person and he keeps fighting the outside one, he can hardly succeed.

Sin strengthens your enemy against you. Your weapons can hardly be effective when you live in sin.

The fastest way of demon transfer is sex outside marriage.

Satanic objects must be removed from your environment. If you fail to do this,

your warfare will be prolonged.

The enemy will use any crack in your spiritual life to torment you.

The lose of the battle is your choice.

Do not speak words that may make the devil think he is defeating you. Check your words. The devil has no creative power but when you say something against your life it can put a seal on it,

Always wear your armour, as exhorted by the book of Ephesians.

Fear, worry and anxiety attract defeat

Never listen to satan; he is the father of lies.

The battle is not yours, but the Lord’s.

Praise the Lord in every situation. This is a sure way to overcome the enemy.


ARROW OF GOD. The Bible says, “The Lord ordains His arrow against the wicked. God has an arrow, the fire of the Holy Spirit, which He uses to destroy His enemies. The Bible says, “Our God is a consuming fire.” There is the stoning fire, and the consuming or devouring fire.

AIR-QUAKE. An air-quake can be programmed against the powers in the sky? An air-quake is a very powerful weapon of destruction.

THE WORD OF GOD. The Bible says, “My word is like a hammer that breaketh rock into pieces.” The word of God is quick and powerful. It is sharper than any two-edged sword.

READ ALSO  RELEASE FROM INFIRMITY Prayers to Destroy Diseases and Infirmities by Dr. D.K. Olukoya

BATTLE-AXE. A battle-axe is quite unlike the common axe. It has a very wide mouth that easily splits a man’s head into two. A battle-axe is a very powerful spiritual weapon, which you can use to hack all stubborn enemies to death. You don’t have to show mercy to enemies of your progress.

BRIMSTONE AND FIRE. This is a specialised weapon. It is so destructive that no enemy can withstand it; The sword of the Lord: God has a glittering two-

edged sword which He uses to fight His enemies.

CUPS OF THE WRATH OF GOD. You simply command the enemy to drink from the cup of the wrath of God.

DESTROYING STORMS. A storm can be used as a destructive weapon.

You can order it to destroy forces fighting against you.

FAMINE. You can also command famine to plague your enemy.

FURNACE OF AFFLICTION. When you place someone in a fiery furnace of affliction, such a person will be uncomfortable and will lose the ability to fight against you.

GREAT EARTHQUAKE. There are powerful spiritual earthquakes. With these, you can reduce the enemies’ territories to rubbles.

GREAT FURNACE. You can command the enemy to be caged inside the great furnace of God.

GREAT HEAT. You can unleash unbearable heat upon the body of the enemy during spiritual warfare.

GREAT MOUNTAIN BURNING WITH FIRE. You can shift the arena of the battle to the top of the great mountain burning with fire.

HAILSTONE AND FIRE. You can command hailstone and fire from the heaven lies to fall on satanic agents and stubborn enemies.

HORRIBLE TEMPEST. A horrible tempest is also a strong weapon. It will disperse and destroy satanic agents holding a demonic meeting.

INSTRUMENTS OF DEATH. The Bible says the Lord prepares instruments of death against our enemies. You must use this weapon against them.

LOCUSTS. You can command spiritual locusts to invade the enemy’s territory or to block their passage.

PAINS AND SORES. You can utilise prayers as a means of afflicting satanic agents with pains and sores. This is an important spiritual weapon.

PESTILENCE. You have the liberty to command to spread on the territory of

the enemy.

PLAGUES. Plagues can be evoked upon the powers of darkness during sessions of spiritual warfare.

ROD AND IRON. The Bible says, “Thou shall dash them to pieces with a rod of iron like a potter’s vessel.” This rod can be used in warfare prayer to break the jaws of the enemies.

SEA-QUAKE. This is different from earthquake. This affects the sea so that, if your problem is from the sea, you can use seaquake against it. You can cause an earthquake-like turbulence to occur in the heart of the sea. This will lead to confusion and defeat of marine agents.

SCORPIONS. Scorpions are deadly weapons of spiritual warfare.

SNARES. A hunter knows the indispensable nature of a snare; that is why the Bible talks about the snares of the fowler. You can set up a snare against stubborn enemies and catch them unawares.

THUNDER AND FIRE. You can use a combination of thunder and fire as a weapon.

TORNADO. Tornado is a very powerful wind that sweeps off everything in its path. You can use tornado to upturn all the structures put in place by the enemy;

THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. Thunder and lightning are very potent spiritual weapons. You can command them to fight against powers of darkness.

WHIRLWIND. This carries things away. You can command the whirlwind of God to carry away the enemies of your progress.

WORMWOOD. Wormwood can be used as a weapon of fighting against demons and satanic agents.

UNBEARABLE HEAT. This can be used as a weapon of torturing stubborn pursuers.

DESTROYING HEAT. This type of heat is a strong weapon. Its purpose is to destroy.

DESTROYING COLD. This is much deadlier than destructive heat.

DESTROYING AIR OR EVIL BREEZE. You can use a destructive air or evil breeze to fight against those who set themselves against your well-being.

WATER TURNED INTO THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. You may use your bathing water for this or throw the water into your compound. It is a very powerful weapon. The Bible says, “When I see the blood…I shall pass over.”

VOICE OF GOD. When God begins to speak, the enemies will scatter.

SAW OF THE LORD. You can use this to saw or cut the enemies asunder.

CONCENTRATED ACID. You can pour spiritually concentrated acid on satanic agents during warfare.

GUN SHOT. There are times when gun shots have to be used as weapons of silencing stubborn pursuers.

DAGGER. A dagger is a useful instrument when it comes to warfare.

SPEAR. A spiritual spear can be thrown against the enemy.

THRESHING INSTRUMENT. This is capable of grinding anything, even your enemy.

HAMMER. There are times when you have to lift up a hammer with all your strength and land it on those who constitute strong opponents during a warfare session.

DESTROYING FLOOD. You are free to command a destroying flood to carry your enemy away.

BULLDOZER. Like the elephant, the Holy Spirit has the bulldozing power to pull anything down.

SANDSTORM. This is useful against desert spirits,

DRY WIND. When this hits anything, it dries up.

DESTROYING LIONS. There are times when you have to command

spiritual lions to devour demonic agents.

DESTROYING WOLVES. If you are involved in warfare against terrible enemies, you can set destroying wolves against them.

DESTROYING LEOPARDS. A leopard is a destructive animal. You can programme a spiritual leopard against your opponents in spiritual warfare.

DESTROYING TONGUES.  The  tongue  is  a  very  powerful  weapon.

Destroying tongues can be used in spiritual warfare.

TRAP. You can decree that all agents of the devil should be trapped in the name of Jesus.

DESTRUCTIVE OPPRESSION. A destructive oppression is much more powerful in spiritual warfare.

CONFUSION. Confusion can be used as a spiritual weapon. When you command the spirit of confusion to fall upon stubborn enemies, you will experience victory over them.

STUMBLING BLOCKS. You can place stumbling blocks along the pathway of the enemy of your progress.

ELECTRIC SHOCK. One other way of fighting against satanic agents is to subject them to a destructive electric shock.

DESTROYING TRAVAILS. It is possible to use destroying travail as a weapon. You simply command destroying travail to be anchored to the head of all evil messengers, in the name of Jesus.

POISON. You can force poison down the throat of your enemies.

POWER TO DEPOPULATE. If you are fighting against a host of evil powers, you can use a weapon of the power to depopulate against them.

VENGEANCE OF THE LORD. You can command vengeance of the Lord to come upon those who are opposing your progress, peace and stability.

GLITTERING SWORD. You can command the glittering sword of the Almighty to be sunk deeply into the body of your enemy.

UNDILUTED WRATH OF GOD. You can use this special weapon by commanding to fall on the head of all stubborn pursuers.

ANGER OF THE LORD. The anger of the Lord is a powerful weapon. You can evoke it against those who have vowed to chain your life to non-achievement.

CHARIOTS OF IRON. You can demand that chariots of should run into the camp of your enemies.

STONES OF AFFLICTION. You can throw stones of affliction into the camp of your enemies.

BREAD OF AFFLICTION. To use this as a weapon, you can pray, saying “I command my attackers to eat the bread of affliction.”

WATER OF AFFLICTION. To use this as a weapon, take this prayer point:

“I command every household enemy to drink the water of affliction.”

RED-HOT CHARCOAL. You can place stubborn enemies and opponents on top of red-hot charcoals.

CLOUDS OF SORROW. You can cast clouds of sorrow upon satanic agents and those who have vowed that your joy will never be full.

CLOUDS OF AFFLICTION. You can command clouds of affliction to be cast on the heaven above those who are in the enemy’s camp.

RAGING FIRE. You can command raging fire to lick the enemy and everything around him.

OVER-POWERING SWORD. When over-powering sword is used as a weapon, the enemy is finished.

DIVINE ARTILLERY. You can bombard opponents in spiritual warfare with divine artillery.

DIVINE GUN. The divine gun is a very powerful weapon. A single shot at the enemy is a killer.


BATTLESHIP OF THE ALMIGHTY. You can call forth the battleship of

the Almighty to aid you in your fight against the enemy. This is very useful in the realm of marine warfare.

COMBINED OPERATION OF AIR, LAND AND WATER SOLDIERS OF CHRIST. The combination of these weapons is indispensable in strategic warfare.

THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN. These are the moon, the stars, the sun, etc. You can use them as a weapon when you are fighting a decisive battle.

SAND. Command the enemy to eat sand.

BLINDNESS. Blindness is a powerful weapon. When you blind the enemy, he will begin to fight against himself.

MADNESS. You can command the spirit of madness to fall upon evil messengers.

WORMS. You can command worms to eat up satanic agents assigned against your life.

LACK. This is another weapon which God expects Christian warriors to use in battle. By the time you programme lack against the enemy, he is finished.

CONTINUOUS PLAGUE. The weapon of continuous plague is a potent weapon in strategic spiritual warfare.

TREMBLING HEART. You can command your opponent to begin to suffer from the problem of trembling heart.

FEAR OF DAY AND NIGHT. You can programme the fear of day and night against the enemy.

GALL OF BITTERNESS. You can command the enemy to begin to swim in the gall of bitterness.

DRUNKENNESS WITH BLOOD. You can command the enemy to be drunken with his own blood.

CURSES (written and unwritten). You can command written and unwritten curses to come upon satanic enemies.

GREAT INDIGNATION OF THE LORD. The great indignation of the Lord is a weapon that will leave the enemy confused.

FIRE THAT BURNS INTO THE LOWEST HELL. You can command the fire that bums to the lowest hell to come upon your opponent.

MISCHIEF. You can ask for the mischief of the enemy to fall upon his own head.

BITTER DESTRUCTION. You don’t have to pity the enemy. Command bitter destruction to fall upon him.

DOUBLE DESTRUCTION. When you use the weapon of double destruction to fall upon the enemy, he is finished.

SLEEPING SICKNESS. This is a terrible weapon.

DARKNESS. You can destroy evil powers with darkness.

HATRED FROM ALL CREATURES. Are you faced by a threat from the camp of stubborn pursuers? Fight against them with the weapon of hatred from all creatures.

RIDICULES. You can bombard the devil with the weapon of ridicule.

SCORCHING SUN. The scorching heat of the sun is a powerful weapon.

You can use this in spiritual warfare.

FOOLISHNESS. You can command the enemy to be enveloped with foolishness.

MISFORTUNE. This can be used as a weapon against the enemy. You can command misfortune to fall upon the head of all stubborn pursuers.

SELF-DESTRUCTION. You can command the enemy to destroy themselves.

DEATH. You can release the spirit of death upon powers like witchcraft and household wickedness.

SELF-DECEPTION. This weapon can be used in spiritual warfare. You can sentence the enemy to endless sessions of a self deception.

SELF-ABUSE. Whenever the enemy vows that you would have no rest, such an enemy can be commanded to go blindly into a self-abuse.

SELF-HATRED. You can cast a spell of a self-hatred on an enemy that has stubbornly vowed to destroy your life and hinder your progress in life.

SUICIDE. We can ask satanic enemies to kill themselves, in the name of Jesus.

DISAPPOINTMENT. You can command satanic enemies to encounter one disappointment after another.

FAILURE. You can command every stubborn enemy to experience failure in every department of his life.

FEAR OF EVERYTHING. You can make use of the fear of everything as a weapon against the enemy.

UNCOMFORTABLE WEATHER. You can pray that satanic enemies be surrounded by uncomfortable weather everywhere they go.

LACK OF COMFORT ON EVERY SIDE. Enemies cannot fight you when they lack comfort on every side. This is impossible.

OBSESSION. You can command your enemies to be filled with all kinds of obsessions.

HURRICANE. You can command a terrible hurricane to blow off the enemy’s territory.

IGNORANCE. This is a very important spiritual weapon. When you command your enemy to be filled with the spirit of ignorance, such a foe has already lost the battle.

MISTAKES. You can pray, saying, “Let my enemies or opponents continue to make mistakes that will lead to my victory, in the name of Jesus.”

MISINTERPRETATION. You can use this as a weapon against the enemy. You can say, “I release the spirit of misinterpretation upon all enemies or stubborn pursuers, in the name of Jesus.

MISMANAGEMENT. You can sentence the enemy to mismanagement in all areas of his life, especially in spiritual warfare.

DISORDERLINESS. You can command the spirit of disorderliness to fall upon all satanic agents.

POVERTY. You can use poverty as a weapon against the enemy.

INTERNAL CONFUSION. You can release internal confusion into the lives of stubborn pursuers and household wickedness.

EMPTIER. You can command the power of the emptier to fall upon the camp of your enemy.

THE EAST WIND. You can command the East Wind to blow against the enemy.

DIVINE CARPENTERS. You can command divine carpenters to destroy every power that tries to destroy your potentials and goodness.

THE SERPENT OF THE LORD. (Amos 9:3)You can command the serpent of the Lord to sink its fangs into the body of satanic enemies and release deadly venom into their lives.

PRAISES. You can use the weapon of praises against opposing forces.

TESTIMONIES. Testimonies can also be used as a weapon of spiritual warfare.

THE ARM OF THE LORD. You can demand that the arm of the Lord should be raised against all those who have been inspired by the devil to tamper with your goodness.

ANGELIC WARFARE. You can introduce angelic warfare into spiritual warfare.

BULLET PRAYERS. There is something called bullet prayers. These kinds of prayers are explosive. They are able to hit targets with effective results. A bullet prayer focuses strategically at the enemy’s camp.


  1. O God, arise and give me a turn-around breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
  • Holy Ghost fire, fight for me, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every serpent of destruction working against my destiny, die by fire in the name of Jesus.
  • Blood of Jesus, enter into my life, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every caldron of poverty, swallow your owner, in the name of Jesus.
  • Serpent of the Lord, fight every serpent biting my life, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every power stealing from me, receive fire brimstone, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every mountain in my life, let the chariot of fm pursue you into the Red Sea, in the name of Jesus.
  • Release confusion, O Lord, into the camp of my full-time enemies, in the name of Jesus.
  1. You stubborn witchcraft, receive double destruction, in the name of Jesus.

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