The powers of the day and night reside in the sun and the moon. Powers of darkness have continued to use the forces of nature against
believers who are destined to exercise dominion over all elemental forces.
There is a power that rules the night. There is a power that rules the day. When God created the sun, the moon and the stars, He endowed them with great powers. He created them to bring forth His glory. This explains why God forbids the worship of the sun, the moon and the stars.
Those who belong to the kingdom of darkness are violating God’s commandments by trying to put the powers that reside in the sun, the moon and the stars to negative uses.
Hence, demonic men and women are using the forces of nature to hurt the innocent. The heavens were established to declare the glory of God. God created the heavens to give light to the earth. Powers of darkness as well as God’s enemies have captured the heavenlies and are putting it to negative uses. They are now using it to foster satanic worship and perpetrate wickedness.
Children of the devil have found in the heavenlies a powerful weapon for carrying out their evil assignments. Many lives have been lost, many homes wrecked, innumerable destines truncated and several tragedies orchestrated.
As long as we continue to remain under ignorance, evil will continue to triumph over good and the children of darkness will continue to torture the children of the kingdom.
There must be a change. Power must change hands. As God’s children, we must take our rightful position and begin to rule. God expects us to exercise dominion over spirits, men and forces of nature. The discovery of these deep secrets should introduce a new dimension into your life. Rather than allow satan and his agents to oppress you by using the forces of nature, you should carry an offensive battle to the gates of the enemies and begin to oppress them.
If you are a victim of the manipulation of the heavenly forces,
praying as if you are blindfolded will not change the situation. Coming up with a resolve to go for deliverance will not solve the problem.
For example, if someone has raised an altar against your life in the vicinity of the stars you cannot deal with such attacks by simply going for deliverance. You must learn how to fight back by using exactly the same weapons.
Deliverance should not be mis-understood. It bothers on the removal of the deposits of the kingdom of darkness.
However, it does not address any form of conspiracy against you in the heavenlies. As you have gained new insights into the ordinances of heaven you should prepare for battle.
Every power spending the night to pull me down, O sun, throw
them away, in the name of Jesus.
O day, arise and give me my portion, in Jesus’ name.
O day, arise and curse any power stealing my portion in the name of Jesus.
Every wicked power in the second heavens, that is representing
my family, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every rod of affliction from the second heavens, break, in the
name of Jesus.
Any problem that wants to kill me, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every mouth speaking against me with satanic anointing, O sun,
transfer the arrows back to them, in the name of Jesus.
Every arrow of ancestral witchcraft, die, in the name of Jesus.
Everything stolen from my life from the powers of the night, I repossess you by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of polygamous witchcraft, die in the name of Jesus.
Affliction of the day, die, in the, name of Jesus.
Every negative flying power delegated against my destiny, the angels of God shall pursue you, in the name of Jesus.