This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say:Â Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
Obad. 1:17
For release from collective bondage or corporate curses.
To remove yourself under any evil umbrella
To break inherited yokes and evil family patterns.
To disgrace familiar spirits.
As you plunge into prayers, all those who gather against
you to destroy you shall be scattered unto desolation. Biblical history of those who were delivered from collective captivity would repeat itself in your life, if you too follow the principles that made their deliverance possible.
John 8:32: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
You don’t have to follow any evil family pattern, e.g. lateness in marriage, broken homes, poverty, lack of progress in life and failure. Christ has made provision for your freedom!
The mistake many believers make is that they think once they give their lives to Christ all their problems are over, without their doing anything. Many do not believe in the-ministry of deliverance. Beloved, it is only the truth you know that will make you free. That is why the Scripture says, “Therefore my people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge” (Isa 5:13).
The story is told of a man who bought a ship ticket to America with all he had, At sea, he was very hungry. He watched people going in to the dinning room to eat, but since he did not have any money to pay, he did not go. The day before he arrived in America, he decided to eat and decided that whatever the staff of the ship wanted to do to him, they were free to do it. After his meal, he was expecting the waiter to
bring the bill. He summoned up courage and asked how much he was to pay. The waiter said, “Nothing, because the cost of food has been included in the ticket you bought.” This man suffered many days of hunger because he did not know his rights. Beloved, don’t be ignorant of your rights as a child of God. The truth you know will make you free.
These prayer points are designed to deliver you from evil family rivers, evil family patterns, evil bondage, yokes, curses and covenants. Your case can be different from others. Jesus makes that difference!
Gal. 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the
law, bein g made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Matt. 3:11: I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
Col. 1:13: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness,
and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
Col. 2:15: And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
2 Tim. 4:18: And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Ps. 27:2: When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
NOTE: Prayer of release from collective captivity have to be said aggressively and violently. No stone should be left unturned. You must hate captivity with perfect hatred.
Thank God for making the provision for deliverance from any form of bondage.
Confess your sins and those of your ancestors, especially those sins linked to evil powers.
I cover myself with the blood of Jesus.
I release myself from any inherited bondage, in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, send Your axe of fire to the foundation of my life and destroy every evil plantation.
Let the blood of Jesus flush out from my system every inherited satanic deposit, in the name of Jesus.
I release myself from the grip of any problem transferred to my life from the womb, in the name of Jesus.
Let the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost cleanse every organ in my body, in the name of Jesus.
I break and loose myself from every collective evil covenant, in the name of Jesus.
I break and loose myself from every collective curse, in the name of Jesus.
I vomit every evil consumption that I have been fed with as a child, in the name of Jesus.
I command all foundational strongmen attached to my life to be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
Let any rod of the wicked rising up against my family line be rendered impotent for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel the consequences of any evil local name attached to my person, in the name of Jesus.
Pray aggressively against the following roots of collective captivity. Pray as follows: Every effect of . . .
(pick from the under listed one by one), upon my life, come out with all your roots, in the name of Jesus
evil physical design
parental curses
envious rivalry
demonic incisions
dream pollution
demonic initiations
demonic blood transfusion
demonic alteration of destiny
fellowship with family idols
evil dedication
demonic marriage
demonic sacrifice
inherited infirmity
evil laying on of hands
wrong exposure to sex
exposure to evil diviners
fellowship with local idols
destructive effect of polygamy
fellowship with demonic consultants
unscriptural manner of conception
Thank God for answering your prayer