This birthright belongs only to the first son, and that is why Esau was entitled to a double-portion of the inheritance. Unfortunately, he sold it for some pottage. If you pick an ant and say that it should be picking all the sand from the bar beach in Lagos, to Abuja one by one, by trekking, the day the ant succeeds in evacuating the whole of the sand, cannot be compared to eternity.
It is a tragedy for a person to use his life here on earth to destroy his eternity, even, if the person lives 150 years. Unfortunately, Esau sold his birthright; he exchanged his inheritance for a pot of pottage, which is a temporary thing. Anyone, who sells his birthright, for which Jesus Christ suffered and died, would be lost for ever. To trade this important thing for worldly things is sad indeed.
Sometime ago, a certain man offered me a Mercedes V-boot car. He smelled of adultery, and the chain on his neck was almost touching his bellybutton. I said,
“I am sorry, I don’t want. The reason for a vehicle is for me to move from one place to the other. You are not born again, and broken, and you are giving me a Mercedes Benz car.
The day I preach what you do not like, you would ask for your car. I prefer to tell the truth, without the car, than to have it, without being able to preach the truth. The day I see that your life changes and you are broken, I will take it from you, so that you can be blessed. But, if you are not broken and you are not a child of God, and I take things from you, I am a transgressor like yourself.”
A birthright is the privileges you are entitled to, from birth. What is your spiritual birthright? They are spiritual and physical privileges you are entitled to, as a born again Christian. There are so many things attached to birthright. For example now, Esau was entitled to the following things as his birthright:
- His family inheritance.
- The ruling head of his family.
- The right to collect his father’s blessings first.
- The spiritual leadership and priesthood of his family.
- The best of all the family land.
- A special providence meant for him alone.
- A special party to the Abrahamic covenant.
Some years ago, we were at a crusade and people were divided into different groups, depending on their needs. There was a group for those, who were possessed by witchcraft spirits. There was another one for those, who were looking for employment. I was moving around. I got to the group of those possessed by witchcraft and familiar sprits, and found that many of them would qualify for Miss Nigeria, and some of the men, too, would qualify for models you see in magazines.
All of a sudden, one girl opened her mouth and vomited three birds: red, black and white. The birds were very ugly. The evangelist, who was conducting the meeting moved back, and pointed at me to do something about it. The girl, now pointed at a pastor in a far comer, who was calling prayer points for those, who were experiencing failure at the edge of breakthrough, and said, “You see that one, he slept with me yesterday.” I was shocked. I said, “Well, if he slept with you, what is the implication?” She said, “The prayer he is calling there are curses, because already I have polluted his life.” This man of God had sold his birthright for a cheap price.
It is a dangerous thing for you to have an important material, but fail to realise it. Before you give your life to Christ, God has attached some blessings to your life. When you now give your life to Jesus, more blessings are attached. Many do not know what it means to be born again. Being born again means, to be begotten from above. The reason many people are undergoing deliverance now is, because they are in trouble for selling cheaply, their birthright to their enemies.
There are sisters, who sell alcohol, attachment, jewellery and things that are Jezebelian in nature, because they are looking for money; may God have mercy on them, because they are trading their birthright cheaply. Many have sold their birthright to their enemies like the pastor I told you about, and they are busy rejoicing. The foolish man did not even know, that he had sold it just like Esau.
Esau’s problem started with a small appetite. The appetite for food has destroyed many precious souls, that is why the Bible says, that the belly of some people is their god. The reason you find many churches in every comer is, because the belly of many people has become their God. If they can tell lies to one, or two people and get money from them, they are okay. I pray that your belly will not kill you, in the name of Jesus.
Stealing, or cheating to buy what you cannot afford, is selling your birthright. Why do you want to eat, what you cannot afford? It is better to die of hunger, than for you to sell your body, because of food. Many so-called believers do not want to leave their boyfriends, because they are afraid of starvation.
They are just selling their birthright. Have you sold your birthright, because of food? You better repent today.
his birthright, for
which Jesus Christ
suffered and died,
would be lost for
ever. To trade this
important thing for
worldly things is
sad indeed.
raised from dead, he was
still bound. He
experienced liberty, but
not freedom…The grips
of death upon his life had
been broken, but he was
still bound. It is a double
tragedy, that many
believers are still walking
around with grave
clothes on.