This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say:Â Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
Wherever it comes to the issue of destiny, the determining factor is the foundation or the background of the individual. No man is an island. You are a product of your family background. Each family or lineage is an entity. What we see or know, most of the time, are the members who make up the family. But, unknown to most people, every family has a spiritual gate. This gate hovers around every individual member like a dark cloud. Consequently, the destiny of every member of the lineage is controlled, determined and affected by the spiritual gate.
For a long time, billions of people all over the world have struggled to eke out a living or attain the fulfilment of their destinies without success. Lots of intellectual, professional and physical efforts have been made but little or no effort has been made to address or tackle the spiritual factors behind the fulfilment of destiny.
If you have ever undertaken an intelligent research into the trend of events in your lineage or family, you would have discovered the fact that members of a family hardly rise above their roots. Common limitations, hindrances and problems are like a black thread around the members. Whether the family members are abroad or at home they manifest the same traits, suffer the same attacks, encounter the same problems and are victims of similar ugly circumstances.
Therefore, you cannot fulfill your destiny unless you identify the spiritual gate of your family line and use the weapon of deliverance and spiritual warfare to wrest your personal destiny from the grip of collective captivity.
The fact that you come from a particular family or raised in a particular community should make you take cognisant of the fact that you are under the spiritual influence of your family gate.
The forces behind the gates must be disarmed if you must rise above your circumstances and attain the optimum level ordained for you in life. You must expend enough prayer energy at the gate of your destiny. Constant spiritual bombardment will enable you rise and attain the heights destined by God for your life.
Psalm 24:7-10: Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. 9Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.
There are entities known as the spiritual gates. These gates are addressed in the above text: “Lift up your heads, O ye gates!”
What are these gates? Spiritual gates are access routes. They are entry points. They are spiritual doors or pathways of entering into a life, a family, a city, a nation, a continent, a career, a business or a marriage. The gates ore not just access routes, they are legal access routes. Before an enemy enters into a place and starts to operate, he needs an entry point.
Most houses have back doors and front doors, they have windows as well. Someone may decide not to use the front or the back door. He may prefer to enter through the window. In this case he is regarded as a thief or a robber. But the point here is that all those places are entry points.
Do you sometimes notice that you feel choked on your bed? It is the gate in operation. Do you hear voices that others around you don’t hear? Then a gate is in operation.
A few years ago, as a sister was sleeping in the middle of the night, she heard a voice calling all her five different names, including two that most people did not know. The voice asked her to get out of her bed, undress, get out into the street and start to walk naked to the market place.
She got out of the bed, undressed, opened the first door, but as she was about to open the second door and jump out naked into the street, she heard a counter voice saying: “Children of God never run mad.” Then her senses came back. She went back
to the room, put on her nightclothes and continued her sleep. Her husband was beside her on the bed but was not aware of all this. He was deep in sleep and snoring. He did not know that the evil gates in his family were about to disgrace his beloved wife.
What happened to the sister? A gate was in operation. If that gate was not closed, a situation would have developed where the enemy would have come with more power, which she might not be able to resist.
Do you often get very depressed suddenly? One morning you are so happy that you feel like jumping up and praising the Lord, the next day you are so depressed that the thought of taking your life comes upon you. It means that a gate is opened.
Do you sometimes notice a paralysing force moving all over your body? Something presses you down and to lift up your body becomes a problem? A gate is opened.
Do you sometimes feel cold and chilly at night even though you are in a warm room? A gate is in operation. Do you notice that your head sometimes becomes very heavy? A gate is opened.
Do you sometimes find strange items such as insects or human hair in your food? Then a gate is in operation. In your experience, do all kinds of creatures sometime come to fight you? An evil gate is at work. Do you feel unusual heat in your head or does any mysterious object move your head? A gate has been opened.
Do you hear people calling your name without knowing who is calling you? Do you generally go into sexual relationship in your dream? Gates are in operation. Do you sometimes receive emergency false messages? A message suddenly comes that you should come because someone is dying, but on getting there nobody is actually dying? Such an emergency false message came because gates are in operation.
Do you sometimes see someone who was confirmed dead coming to speak with you? An evil gate is at work. Do you see yourself in your dream picking eggs or picking dirty things to eat? The enemy is using such dreams to introduce diseases into your body. Gates are in operation. Do you see yourself in the dream walking in a slippery place or do you see the material you put on blown by the wind in the dream? A gate has been opened.
We ought to look critically at this issue: we should know how spiritual gates are put in place.
There are seven major gates, which trouble the life of man, which we seriously need to close. The first terrible gate is the gate of evil altars. An altar is a place of communion with spirits, a place of demonic traffic.
Genesis 28:16-17: And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not. 17And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.
That place where Jacob was, Abraham had built an altar many years back. This same gate, which his godly father Abraham built, permitted angels to be going up and coming down. It was converted to a gate of heaven. If his father was an idol worshipper or witch doctor, instead of angels going up and coming down there, demons would have been coming out of the pit of hell. This portrays the power of the altar.
In many families altars are erected for satan years back. Instead of heaven to open for such families, the gates of hell are released on them. Instead of angels to be going up and coming down, demons will be parading in such families. Sometimes you enter into some people’s sitting room and notice that the centre of the room has been dug and the surface coated with fresh cement. It is an indication of the presence of an evil gate. They have Just buried something in such a room. It is an altar. Many homes labour under such evil altars.
A lot of families are fond of pouring libations. Such libations will always register the name of the person pouring it on evil altars.
All these are negative altars and they affect lives and families adversely.
Are you a prisoner of evil altars? You shall be made free, in the name of Jesus.
The second evil spiritual gate is the gate of evil covenant. Heorews 7:1 and 10:
Hebrews 7:1,10: For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.
A covenant was made between Abraham and Melchisedec. There was an exchange of gifts. The Bible declares that the children of Abraham yet unborn entered into that same covenant that Abraham and Melchisedec entered into. If Melchisedec was an evil priest, problems would have come upon the generations of Abraham yet unborn.
In a community in Nigeria where some ministers were sent to preach, to the amazement of the ministers, members of the community sow nothing wrong with spirit husbands. They have a strange custom. Married men were allowed to stay only three days in a week with their wives. The other days are for spirit husbands to toke over. So, they shared their wives with spirits. In some families there is the covenant of untimely death of the first-born.
The third gate is the gate of witchcraft. The gate of witchcraft is revealed in Nahum 3:1which says:
Nahum 3:1: Woe to the bloody city! it is all full of lies and robbery; the prey departeth not;
Nahum 3:4: Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts.
The very terrible problem now is that witchcraft sells families. In most cultures of the world women have always been oppressed. Men oppress them. Strange enough women also oppress themselves. The culture of the most people is against them. For example, if the husband dies, the wife will be subjected to all kinds of ill treatments such as sitting down on the floor for about 30 days, drinking the water that was used to both her dead husband’s corpse. If she refuses to do this, it would be said that she killed her husband.
As a result of the serious oppression women are subjected to, they enter into witchcraft. This action has a terrible consequence. The witchcraft then becomes a gate into the family. A single witch in a family is a gateway to trouble in that family. Once there is a single person in witchcraft in a family, the whole family will be sold to witchcraft.
That is why we warn people seriously against going to prostitutes and committing immoralities. Many of the people do not know that 99.9 per cent of the prostitutes are witches you don’t need someone to tell you this. Once you look into their eyes you will know that they are into Witchcraft. When a man goes to sleep with a witch, he becomes a wizard and, he introduces witchcraft into his family.
These days, we have executive witches working in offices and all kinds of men are being caged. They suck human blood and take it to witchcraft covens. This is a cause for serious concern. This may be why your business is not going on well. You might have slept with witches and thereby sold your family, life, property and business to them.
Do not deceive your self by thinking that witches are old women with gray hairs. Modern day witches and wizards are not so.
They dress properly and use the latest perfumes. They keep everything nice and neat.
The strongest gate is immorality. It will always open the door to witchcraft into your life. Why is it so? It is because your sexual organ is a strong gate into your life. Nothing can protect you from the enemy’s attacks. The enemy will gain access into your life and thereby introduce witchcraft into your family.
In 1995, a woman told me a strange story. She stated that when she was an unbeliever her work was to introduce her friends to men. She would collect money from her friends and also collect money from the men.
On a particular occasion, as she waited for them to finish their evil agenda, all of a sudden she heard a strange scream from inside. She quickly ran to the door, peeped through the keyhole and saw her friend lying on the bed with a big python hanging on her neck. When the woman eventually came out, her friend asked her what happened, why she was screaming. She said, “Nothing.” The point is this: what would be the fate of the woman? What will happen to her eventually?
The fourth spiritual gate is family sins.
Judges 6:1: And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord: and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years.
Notice that it was the LORD that delivered Israel into the hand of Midianites not the devil. When you are living in sins, you put yourself and your family into trouble. When God delivers you into the hands of your enemies there is a problem: no one can save
One day a deliverance minister tendered his resignation letter to his General Overseer and the G.O. asked him: “Why did you do this?” He said that most of the people who came for deliverance were asking him to deliver them from the hand of God because their sins had made God to hand them over to the enemy. That was a very hard task.
Listen to this, sin will give the devil a foothold in your life. A little sin in your life will lead to a stronghold. When Judah committed sin by sleeping with his daughter-in-law, he did not know the kind of confusion he caused in his lineage. The consequence of the sin went on until it reached David.
If you read the book of Psalms it appears as if David discussed all his problems with God but he did not discuss the problem of women with God. If he discussed it with God maybe he would have broken the bondage. Solomon his son broke the Guinness Book of Records in marrying many wives and having many concubines because of family sin. Family sin will open doors to satanic attacks.
On a particular day, we went to pray for a man who happened to be the father of a small boy. We met him giving his son a very serious beating. We rescued the boy and then asked him what the boy did. He told us that the son was using pieces of mat as cigarette. He put light on them and started smoking. We told him point blank that he was the cause. He had forgotten that he was an addicted smoker before he became born again. When a father commits sin, the same sin might be transferred to his children.
The fifth gate is a negative family name. The name of your family has the capacity for inviting the enemy or glorifying the devil. I cannot understand why a believer should bear the name ‘Oguntimi’ (which means the god of iron is supporting me). Or bear such a name as ‘Ijagbemi’ (meaning fight favours me). Or such names as Njoku, Onwuka which have bad meanings.
The sixth gate is curses. A curse placed on a man will affect him and his generations. In Genesis chapter 49. Jacob placed a curse on Reuben. He said: “Reuben, thou art unstable as water thou will not excel.” If you follow the history of Reuben’s offspring in the Bible you will discover that they never excelled.
The seventh gate is that of idolatry. God says He will punish those who are involved in idolatry. Whether it is crude idolatry or modern day idolatry, the practice is wrong.
The first thing is to identify the gates. You must investigate your foundation.
Go into deep repentance. Repentance will set you free from family spiritual gates.
Renounce evil covenants. Covenants will continue to affect you unless they are renounced.
Rededicate your family to God. In doing this, gather other family members who are born again for the deliverance of the family. The deliverance programme for the family may last three to Seven days. You will discover wonderful breakthroughs that will result into a change of destiny.
Continue to live a holy life. If you go back to a sinful life, the enemy will do more harm to you.
Deal with evil spiritual gates today. Don’t allow such gates to jeopardize your life and destiny. Do not rest until you have experienced total deliverance from the grip of evil family gates.
- Every gate of darkness, in my life, be closed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Every dark gate of my father’s house, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every dark gate of my mother’s house, die, in the name of Jesus
- Every wicked gate rejoicing at my problem, today is your burial. Die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every negative altar of my father’s house, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft power of my father’ s house, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus
- Every power contesting against me, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power calling my head for evil, what are you waiting for? Die, in the name of Jesus.
- Magnets of favour, envelop my head, in the name of Jesus.
- Every one of my blessings that was lost, I re-possess it, in the name of Jesus.