This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say:Â Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
Living on earth as if one is dead is a terrible thing to experience. There are multitudes that though alive, but are living as if they are dead. The powers of darkness muster every effort to subject people to ugly spiritual burial through some from of deadly spiritual operations power of darkness bury people’s destinies and virtues. Immediately the burial is concluded a victim loses every virtue.
Those who are subjected to spiritual burial live frustrated lives. They go through life aimlessly and achieve nothing at the end of the day. To be buried spiritually is to be robbed of your potentials. Those who are buried generally have an evil aura around them. Such people need to go through deliverance.
You need the prayer points below to experience the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will use them as weapons for exhuming your buried virtues.
Confession: Rev. 12:11
Praise Worship
O Lord, I reject every financial burial, in Jesus' name.
Every spiritual anchor of financial failure attached to my life, receive the axe of fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every strange money in my possession, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus.
O Lord, cleanse my hands from every sort of failure and financial collapse, in Jesus' name.
My name, business and handiwork will not record anything for the spirit of financial collapse, in Jesus' name.
O Lord, rescue my finances from every satanic well, in Jesus' name.
O Lord, let all the powers oppressing my finances sit on the seat they constructed for me, in the name of Jesus.
Every tree of. heaviness, procrastination and discouragement, operating in any area of my life, be cut down by the axe of fire, in Jesus' name.
O Lord, give me the key to any goodness you have kept in Your bank for me, in the name of Jesus.
Every stronghold of loss, be dashed to pieces, in the name of Jesus.
Every stronghold of debt, fashioned against my finances, be dashed to pieces, in the name of Jesus.
Every satanic traffic warden, directing profit away from my career, business and handiwork, receive the hailstones of fire, in Jesus' name.
Whatever the enemies say would be impossible with my hands, you hands, hear the word of the Lord, begin to perform the impossible, in the name of Jesus.
Anointing to prosper, fall upon my hands, in the name of Jesus.
I release my hands from every satanic bondage affecting my finances, in the name of Jesus.
You spirit of confusion and satanic inspiration of overdraft, loose your hold upon my life and business, in the name of Jesus.
Every anchor of financial collapse affecting my finances, be uprooted by the axe of fire, in the name of Jesus.
By the arrows of fire, I challenge all the agencies of financial collapse, fashioned against my finances, in the name of Jesus.
Every demon, strongman and associated spirit of financial collapse, receive the hailstones of fire, and be roasted beyond remedy, in Jesus' name.
O Lord, prosper me beyond my wildest imaginations, in Jesus' name.
O Lord, I reject every leaking hole in the pocket of my life, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, I shall not labour in vain or bring forth trouble, in Jesus' name.
O Lord, I decree a hedge of fire around my finances, in Jesus' name.