PARALYSING SATANIC ANIMALS | Power Against Dream Criminals by Dr. D.K Olukoya

PARALYSING SATANIC ANIMALS | Power Against Dream Criminals by Dr. D.K Olukoya

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This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones.

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Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage

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We are looking at a very interesting topic entitled “Paralyzing Satanic Animals.”

In order to afflict human beings, evil powers also make use of animals. Through the activities of these satanic animals, a lot of lives have been caged. As you are reading this book therefore, I want you to exercise three things, holy anger, holy aggression and violent faith in order to uncage yourself.

A sister told me that a woman was trying to give birth to a baby in a hospital and it was a bit problematic. But as soon as she was delivered of the baby, a bird flew into the labour room and the nurses quickly caught it and caged it and immediately ” the bird died, the woman that gave birth also died.

That was not the shocking thing. When the husband of the woman came and heard that his wife was dead, he started rejoicing and thanking God. The nurses who were by now watching the man with disbelief enquired to know why he was acting that way. The man told them that since the day he married the woman, he had never known peace. The question is, who or what is that bird?


Throughout the Bible, God uses animals as symbols. For example, Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The devil is referred to as the roaring vagabond lion.

While some animals in the Bible are symbols of holiness, others are symbols of uncleanliness, wickedness and iniquity.

For example, the dove which is a gentle and harmless bird represents the Holy Spirit.

The Lamb which represents our Lord Jesus Christ, is a sacrificial, patient, and harmless animal.

The eagle represents the mountain top life. Another question is, is it possible for an animal to carry demons? The Bible says yes, because in the book of Mark 5: 10-12, it is written:

And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country. Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. And all the devils besought him, saying, send us unto the swine, that we may enter into them.

Here, it is the demons that begged Jesus. They said, “Please, Sir, we want to enter into those pigs,” and Jesus said, “Go,” and they went. So it is possible for an animal to carry demons. It does not matter how small or big the animal is.

Normally, an evil spirit will prefer to live inside a human being because there they can express themselves better. But when this is not possible, they enter into animals.

If a spiritual animal has been used to wage a spiritual war against you, or a spiritual war was waged against you in your dream with an animal, then, you really have to pray seriously. If before you got born again, you are one of those that have used animals to make “juju” (local charm), concoction or sacrifices, you have to pray now. If it was used to make sacrifices against you, whether you know about it or not, you have to pray too.

When you see an animal playing a negative role in your dream, you really have to pray about it.

If in your dreams, you see animals running after you, biting you or doing evil things, you need to know that those things are not ordinary, you really have to pray. If you do not experience all these, but an animal appears to you physically as a satanic agent, you also have to pray.

A Professor friend of mine brought out his cutlass because a cat was crying beside his house at night.

As he was about to use the cutlass on the cat, it rose on two legs and was begging him. He threw the cutlass at the cat, it landed where the cat was and entered into the ground, but the cat was still standing there. It was then he knew there was a problem. If satanic animals are working at the root of one’s life, there will always be a problem.

A sister told me that when a person was born in her family, the first meat they would give to that person must be an elephant meat, in order to neutralize the terrible spirit of anger that runs in the family, otherwise, the person could destroy himself or herself because of this evil spirit of anger. So, the elephant meat was to calm the spirit of anger down and keep it under control.

There are many people who get possessed with evil spirits transferred to them from their demonic household pets.

I consider it a very dangerous spiritual exercise when a believer just buys a bird puts it inside a cage and hangs it in the house just for the purpose of watching a caged animal and not for any other business.

Some people who sleep at night and see themselves swimming in the river, still compound their problems by going to buy an aquarium and put in their sitting rooms so that water spirits can have more power in their lives. If somebody is sacrificing animals on your behalf consciously or unconsciously,

you need to pray very well.

A man came for counselling and by the time we finished praying for him and he stood up to go, there was a tortoise on his seat. So, I asked him how it got there? He explained that they used it to make some charms for him sometime ago. To him, he thought they just make the charm and threw the tortoise into the forest and it walked away. He did not know that the exercise had opened the door for the devil to put a spiritual tortoise into his life to slow down his progress.

But after the prayer, it came out physically. Many of us come from families where they worship idols and practise witchcraft. So, every year we have to kill one thing or the other. When you do things like that, you come under the attack of spiritual animals.

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Not only this, whatsoever the animal represents, will be happening in your life. Look back and you will see the truth in what I am saying. The Bible says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

There are some people who consume fetish things and the animals used to prepare them will be working against them.

What am I saying? I mean that it is possible that you have killed an animal to make “juju” (local charm) for yourself, and you now see them in your dreams. It may have happened in the past in any of the ways I have described. If that is your situation, you need to work hard to get rid of these things.

It is Christians who sometimes do not know what they are doing, but the enemy understands what he is doing all the time because he is very intelligent. What will destroy some people in 1998 must have been planted in them in 1980. It will just hide in them until the time when the demonic whistle will sound and it will start to work. The person will not understand what is happening.


Let us now examine these animals and how they operate.

The Ant – The first animal that the enemy uses and which has created a lot of problems in the lives of so many people is the ant. Sometimes when prayers are hot, some people will be feeling things running all over their bodies like small ants.

Now, let us take a look at the life of the ant so that we can understand it better.

The ant lays up all sorts of food. It prepares the soil for crops because of the way it feeds.

It also helps to free the ground of weeds.

When it is raining, ants know how to fortify their passages against rain and against their enemies.

They know how to close these passages every night and open them in the mornings.

They watch over their young with utmost care and provide food for them in abundance.

They are very wise and very hard working.

They are always busy. You will hardly find an ant standing idle, it must be busy doing something.

What does this refer to in the spirit?

It refers to highly efficient enemies, organized in a network against a person. So, if you start praying and notice that things are running all over your body, those are the demonic ants and you have to fight against them.

The Bat – The bat is a half beast, half bird. It is listed amongst the unclean animals in the Bible.

It has claws in the hands by which it attaches itself to things. It is a nocturnal animal. Most people do not know that bats are blind. They move by their ears.

What does this mean in the spirit?

It refers to spiritual blindness and death. No matter what you tell people that are being attacked by the spirit of the bat, they will just refuse to see the light of the gospel. They are the kind of people who combine both Christian and world activities together. Even when such people are under crisis they will still refuse to run to Jesus, no matter how much they are suffering.

Therefore, attacks from physical and spiritual bats should be taken seriously. When bats are attacking a person, it means that evil powers are trying to blind the person’s spiritual eyes and they can do terrible havoc. If they are always paying a person a regular visit, the person should start praying against the spirit of death and hell.

The Bees – If you study the life style of bees, you will find out that they have a queen, something like a king, officers, soldiers, and servants, meaning that they operate a kingdom.

But the bad thing about bees is that they dislike strangers and are always unhappy with intruders.

They have very bad temper.

All those who have been unlucky to offend them have either landed in the hospital or somewhere else for treatment. When they are attacking their enemies, they cooperate very well. They sting people and cause a lot of harm.

Deut. 1:44 says:

And the Amorites, which dwelt in that mountain came out against you and chased you, as bees do, and destroyed you in Seir even unto Hormah.

So the Lord likened the way the Israelites were pursued to how bees operate.

What does it mean in the spirit?

It means a highly organized, angry and raging army. It is very bad for a person to be pursued or stung by bees in the dream.

The Dog – We all know what a dog is. They even eat their own vomit and the person who is being attacked may be tom into pieces unless he or she runs away.

Dogs can be very greedy, selfish and quarrelsome, and they are known for their sexual perversion.

So, when you are dreaming of dogs attacking you, running after you or you see dogs running around you physically, it is the spirit of worldliness, the spirit of Egypt, the spirit of sexual perversion and the spirit of impurity. It is not a very good thing for dogs to pursue a person. If it has ever happened to you, you really need to pray hard.

The Flies – The fly is the adult of the maggot. They love decayed things. Beelzebub which is another name for the devil in the Bible means the ‘Lord of the flies’. What does this mean in the spirit? It signifies the spirit of decay.

If you have a vision or a dream, and you find flies surrounding your Bible, you need to pray hard. It is an attack by tormentors. It is the spirit of decay and we must stand against it.

The Fox – The fox is known for its remarkable craftiness and it lives in holes. When a person is being pursued by a fox in the dream, it shows that an evil wisdom is working against the person.

The Frog – It acts without thinking. Hypocrisy is its worst form.

The Goat – The goat is destructive and unintelligent. It generally has to be kept from mischief. It is stubborn and wild.

So when somebody is being attacked by this animal, it signifies stubborn and persistent attacks by evil forces and they must be angrily dealt with.

If you have made sacrifices with goats before, it will open the door for stubborn and persisted forces to be attacking you.

The Lizard – The lizard quickly jumps at the slightest movement or noise.


It is afraid of practically everything. If you have contact with this kind of creature, it represents the spirit of fear.

It can also be responsible for the spirit of insanity. Sometimes when you pray for people with mental trouble and lizards are pulled out of their heads, they get healed instantly.

The Scorpion – This is a very dangerous animal which is black in colour. It is malicious to the extreme and inflicts great pain.

What does it represent?

It represents the spirit of affliction and pain. They do not recognize friends. Ezekiel 2:6 says,

And thou son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thongs be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.

The Lord told Ezekiel that He was living among scorpions. In the book of Luke 10:19, the Lord told us that He has given us power to thread upon serpents and scorpions.

The Serpents – Serpents move on their bellies because they do not have legs. They are extremely crafty and wild.

Readers of the book of Genesis knows that the serpent was the most beautiful of all the animals and the fact that it moves on its belly as a result of the curse God placed on it, means that it used to walk with its legs before.

When under attack, the serpent guides it’s head with extreme care. Why does it do that? It does so because it’s heart is very near to the head, so, it tries to

stop you from touching it.

The easiest way to kill it is to crush or cut off its head. What does it represent in the spirit? It is the power of darkness in all its ramification. They represent the fallen spirits. It was through the serpent that the devil dislodged, defiled and utterly destroyed the tenants in the garden of Eden who had just been introduced into the world, a world that he wanted for himself.

The serpent is a symbol of lies and deception. He tries to deceive people and dislodge them from their place of blessings and to also defile them. It is not something to take lightly, whether in the physical or spiritual.

A sister was promoted to a high position in her place of work and her colleagues threatened to get rid of her, but thank God she is a Christian and she knows her authority.

One day as she was sitting on her table, suddenly, she felt something cold on her leg. When she looked, it was a snake. She screamed against the serpent saying, “I bind you in the name of Jesus.” No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper, etc.” Immediately, she said that, it was as if an electric shock went through the body of that snake. It became afraid, left her leg and stretched out on the floor and just died like that. It was then she called in her messenger.

When he came into the place and saw the dead snake, he ran out, in fear. As in this case, when a physical serpent is sent against somebody and the sender decides to inject his own human spirit inside the serpent, the person dies as soon as the snake is killed.

The Rat or the Mouse – It is forbidden as food in the Bible. Rats are very destructive. So, if you have been seeing rats and mice in the dream, they represent the spirit of poverty and wastage.

I will not be surprised if a person who sees rats and mice in the dream becomes poor because that is what they are meant to do.

The Spider – This is a tiny animal which is remarkable for spinning webs for the purpose of catching it’s preys. No matter how well you clean your house, after a while, you always find a spider in one corner or the other. That is why we preach at M. F. M., that when you destroy the spider, there will be no cobweb.

What does it mean in the spirit?

It is the spirit of blockage, greed, selfishness and jealousy.

When the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Abeokuta branch, took off, some young girls who came for counselling said something quite strange. They said that they see cobwebs during the day around them and sometimes they used their hands to remove them, but nobody else saw the cobwebs except them.

It means that a demonic spider was dispatched against them. They make a person’s life to be stale. They put people’s lives on the shelf through this means.

The Pig – A pig is a very dirty, destructive and extremely gluttonous animal. They eat anything, including faeces and their young ones.

They are noisy, fearful and sexually uncontrollable.

What does t mean in the spirit?

It represents the terrible spirit of destruction, and if they attack a person in the dream, it can result in insanity, because the person will lose the normal inhibitions.

Tortoise – This is one of the slowest animals created by God. It sticks its head out of its shell only to withdraw it when trouble comes. The Bible refers to it as an unclean animal.

What does it mean in the spirit?

It means retardation. People under the attack of the spiritual tortoise accomplish very little. Such people dodge responsibilities. It also represents the spirit of laziness and procrastination. We need to pray against it.

Worms – It is difficult to find a normal human being who gets fascinated by worms. They are destructive and signify the spirit of destruction and poverty.

They are also demonic parasites.

They need to be paralysed. If you have been seeing yourself in the dream eating worms, vomiting worms or worms moving about in your body, you need to pray hard.

The Cock or the Hen – A cock grows generally to herald dusk or dawn.

It is sexually aggressive.

The mother hen too, sometimes loses quite a lot of its chicks to death in so many ways.

What do they signify in the spirit?

It means periodic wave of trouble which follows a particular timetable. It also signifies the inability to fly high in life.

It is the spirit of the tail. The hen picks dirty things from the ground and eats remnants.

So, if your parents always kill a hen or cock for you periodically, you really need to pray.

The Owl – The owl is an unclean and very strange bird. All its habits are repulsive. Some people call it the “night monster” while others call it the “bird of death”. It is not the kind of thing you see around and you start smiling. It is not the kind of thing you see around and you pray one or two minutes prayer and assume that it is okay.


Sometimes, you need to do a night vigil when you see this strange bird around. The bird is supposed to go to only lonely places. But when it now comes to residential places, something is wrong. The bird looks very old with strange eyes. What does it mean in the spirit? It signifies the spirit of death and hell, the spirit of false knowledge and the spirit of evil wisdom.

The Vulture – The vulture is an unclean bird which is always associated with dead animals.

It eats dead and decayed creatures. It is always hovering around the dead to eat their flesh.

Sometimes, they feed their children with their own blood. They fly rapidly and their power of smell and vision is very sharp at picking evil things.

What does this mean in the spirit?

It signifies suicidal tendencies.

Many years ago, when I was a biology teacher in a secondary school, I was the master on duty on a particular week and a girl came late. Normally, we close the gate at 8.00a.m. and if a student comes late, he or she stands in the center of the school, raises his or her hands up as a form of punishment for half an hour or so, before he or she is allowed to go into the class. So, I asked this girl why she came late. She said,

“Sir, this is the time I normally come to school.”

I gave her the normal punishment and she refused to obey and told me that she wanted to go to her class.

When she saw that I was serious, she started obeying reluctantly and I ordered her to do it quickly.

But she did not listen. So, I took my cane and told her that I was going to give her six strokes of the cane. She laughed and said “Master, you must be new in this school.” I said “what do you mean?”

“Nobody beats me, go and ask the last teacher that beat me what happened to him”, she replied. Some of my students who love me so much, who saw me with a cane talking to this girl, rushed out of their classroom and said, “Biology master, do not touch that girl because she fainted the last time she was beaten and they had to bring her mummy from home, and she made so much trouble.” I insisted on beating her and she said she would faint if I did.

So, I gave her six strokes of the cane but she did not faint. I said, “Now run to your class” and she did. There are many people like that who use fainting acts to control the whole house.

This is part of what the vulture spirit does. Whenever a vulture is hovering around, know that the spirit of death is around the corner. When you are in the desert and a camel is getting tired, you would see vultures appear, waiting for the camel to fall down and immediately the camel drops dead, they jump on it.


Repentance – If you have wrongly used animals in an ungodly way, whether consciously or unconsciously, you have to repent.

Ask for forgiveness for giving the enemy a foothold to be attacking you. When there is an attack of the enemy, the first place that wise people look at is inside, not outside.

Take an inventory of all your activities and revelations so that you know what to attack.

Summon every associated spirit and decree the fire of judgement upon them.

Despatch them back to the sender, so that the sender would know that you are not the kind of person they send those kinds of things to.

Pray to repair what they have destroyed or displaced.

Barricade your life now with the blood of Jesus, the fire of the Holy Ghost and the word of God, so that they do not mess up with you again. It is time to destroy every satanic animal, whether the one that has worked in the past, the ones working now or the ones programmed to work in the future. Do not take anything for granted. Remember to pray with holy anger, holy aggression and violent faith.


  1. Every spirit associated with any satanic animal delegated against me, appear now, in the name of Jesus.
  • You spirits gathered together, receive the fire of judgement, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every rage of the enemy against my life, quench, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every stubborn oracle divining against me, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every stubborn familiar spirit, working against me be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let divine earthquake shake down the foundation of every satanic prison, in the name of Jesus.

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