Essentials of Christian Living
Every believer who wants to remain on the mountaintop must never joke with the Daily Devotional Hour otherwise known as the quiet time. The quiet time is the time set apart by the believer for prayer, studying or meditating on the Scriptures as well as for receiving divine strength, which will enable the believer to face the challenges of life. As the name “the Quiet Time” implies, the devotional hour is best observed at a time when there is quietness.
And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, end departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. Math 1:35
Jesus our Lord and Saviour did not joke with His quiet time. He got up early in the morning and located a place where He prayed. Your ability to stay on the mountain will be determined by the level and consistence of your quiet time. During the Lord’s earthly ministry, crowds of people surrounded Him. In the midst of His busy schedule, he gave prominent attention to His relationship with the Father.
Today, many believers have forgotten the dynamics of the quiet time. Many people rush out of the house without prayer not to talk of studying the Scripture. You must go through the Bible systematically. The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Devotional Guide will be made available to all members. Believers who want to grow to maturity do not just observe the quiet time early in the morning; they also create time for fellowship with God before they go to bed. In the morning, you can hand over the day to God. You must make it a point of duty to report the issues of the day during your evening quiet time.
A typical quiet time consists of the following:
1. Praise Worship.
2. Prayer.
3. Bible Study, reading or memorization.
4. Prayer of Application of God’s word and consecration.
5. Spiritual Warfare.
The pattern can vary, but the various components are essential. You need to wake early enough in order to observe a rich and an edifying quiet time. Don’t ever allow anything to replace your quite time. You can actually build up your Christian life by maintaining a consistent quiet time.
The quite time is an opportunity for you to collect fire, on daily basis, from God’s altar. Believers who have become strong are products of consistent, systematic and dynamic quiet time sessions. During the quiet time, God speaks to you, reveals the enemy’s plan and empowers you to triumph over all the attacks of the enemy. If you maintain a consistent devotional fellowship with God, the enemy will not be able to attack you.
This is the secret of obtaining victory over every power of the enemy.