You need special re-enforcement to deal with stubborn powers in the heavenlies. You need to attack them with the artillery of constant bombardments. Daniel prayed. God heard him and sent answers from Heaven. However, he experienced hindrance from the second heavens.
Daniel spent 21 days on his knees but the answer was sent to him right from the first day. God dispatched an angel to bring the answer to Daniel that same day. Right there in the second Heaven a wicked power, referred to as the Prince of Persia, came up with an evil barricade. The wicked power was strong enough to confront the angel of Daniel’s blessing. Thank God, Daniel was persistent.
If Daniel had decided to get up from his knees the first day, the angel would not have persisted. Daniel’s prayers brought reinforcement from heaven. He prevailed because he persisted. He was able to experience divine breakthroughs because he prevailed in the heavenlies.
When we take a look at the entire gamut of wickedness, we will discover that the most wicked spirits are hanging above our heads in the heavenlies. They make their abode in the second heavens. These spirits must be dealt with. They must be dispossessed and conquered.