This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say:Â Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
I want you to pray these prayer points before you continue.
- O Lord, upgrade my power in the name of Jesus.
- Every internal bondage, this day, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
- Every pursuer in the dream, pursue yourself, in the name of Jesus.
- (Raise your two hands up.) Satanic anchor, roast, in the name of Jesus. We are looking at what I call, “Attacking the vehicle of Destiny.”
John 1:46:
And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.
This is the cry of the enemy against a lot of people today. They are saying, can any thing good come out of this life? They express this either vernally or impliedly because they know everything about you; they know your background; your village’s history; the founder of the place; your mother and everything; therefore, they conclude, “Can any good thing come out of this person?”
There was a brother who wedded many years ago: After the wedding, he went with his newly wedded wife to spend the honeymoon in his village, so they moved into the best room they could get there. The room also had a security gate. But around 1:00 a.m. in the night, the brother woke up to discover that
somebody had opened the gate and was hearing sound of footsteps coming toward their room. He opened the window in a bid to peep at the fellow but he became glued to the bed!
At the movement of the evil personality, there was dead silence as the noise of frogs, crickets and other animals ceased. Then it dawned on the brother that trouble was around the corner, as the footsteps were approaching their room, he attempted to call the name of Jesus but he found it difficult as he felt his lips were as heavy as iron, then he started calling Jesus in his spirit. Later, the movement stopped by the window and finally went back and closed the gate. Thereafter, he woke up the wife, packed their things and ran away before 5:00 a.m.
However, the damage had been done. I pray that God would help those who are fond of their villages. Not that you go there for the sake of the gospel but to socialise and talk with palm wine drinkers. Eventually, the next menstruation of the wife had no blood, it was rather filled with maggots! By the second month it was the same thing. She went to the hospital, but the doctor told her to go and look for someone who could pray because it was not a case of medication.
The question is, why did a believer who goes to church experience such a terrible nightmare and oppression? It was because there was a ladder in his life through which the enemy came in.
At this juncture, close your eyes and pray thus:
Every satanic ladder hiding in my life, O God arise and let them be scattered, in the name of Jesus.
If you have ever experienced being pressed down like this, lay your right hand on your head and pray like this,
I fire back every arrow of oppression, in the name of Jesus.
These powers know the background of your family, they know that only a few or none have made it, hence they say, “can any good thing come out of this life?”
Please, confess loudly: “I will make it, in Jesus’ name.” “I reject spiritual anaemia.”
They do historical analysis of one’s life and they know for example, that nobody has ever built a house and you are trying to build one. They see that nobody has ever achieved a position of influence from that town or village of yours, and they perceive that this one wants to have a different record from others; then they say; “Can any good thing come out of this life?
Perhaps; the council of wickedness has spent sleepless nights to ensure that you do not move ahead. Then, you need to pray that your God should arise to scatter any evil council against you.
Perhaps, they have been conspiring against you and questioning your life. God is capable of changing your history, He can make His face to shine upon you.
The report of the Lord concerning us says, “They shall see …”, like Philip said, “Come and see”, to the statement of Nathaniel who asked him saying, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”
These are the days of high voltage praying, as Mr death is working an overtime, killing people before they attain their ” destiny, this Mr. death does not joke with people. He has been winning in the arena of human lives from the time of Adam till the present time, he has no respect for anybody.
There is a remedy for everything on earth, but there is no remedy for death, and one of the greatest tragedy is that so many people die for nothing. Another tragedy is that death uses our spoons and forks as his weapons. Unfortunately, death would accept no bribe from anybody. Like I said earlier, you have no right to die if you have not fulfilled your destiny.
This is not the time for myopic plans and weak vision, but the time to mount up with wings as eagle and if satan keeps reminding you about your problem, then you too should keep reminding him of his defeat.
For example, if Mr. Boyo wants to go to Togo, he can get there by road, air and sea – three ways. But somebody does not want Mr. Boyo to get to Togo, therefore, he plans many strategies to achieve this. Firstly, he incapacitates and demobilizes him with sickness and ignorance thereby rendering him unable to travel.
The bottom line is that Mr. Boyo should not get to Togo. In the alternative, he could outrightly kill Mr. Boyo since his objective is to cause him never to get to Togo. He may bewitch him such that Mr. Boyo is totally unconscious of any urge to go to Togo. He could physically hold him down or hinder him. He could attack all his vehicles and render them unworkable, the objective is still that Boyo must not get to Togo.
This serves to illustrate to us that the confidence of the enemy rests solely on the fact that once they have destroyed one’s vehicle of destiny, they know there is no way such a person can reach his goal because they have blocked all the avenues of getting there.
Let us look at a few Biblical examples.
Rahab – She was a harlot, but her vehicle of destiny were her hospitality. It was tied to hiding the spies from Israel and the rope with which she let down those spies to escape. Supposing she shunned those spies, that could have been the end of her destiny. We would not be reading today that she was part of the lineage of Jesus.
King David – David’s vehicle of destiny was his divine curiosity, that is, his quest to know what was happening in the battlefield and who was Goliath to be harassing the people of God? He was left in the field to look after the sheep while his elderly brothers went to the war front. But, those senior brothers could not perform on the battlefield until he got there, and of course, the challenge of Goliath was the promotion of David.
Also, the hatred and pursuit of Saul after David was another vehicle of destiny for David. This means that the vehicle of your destiny may sometimes be very unfriendly, it may be things you do not enjoy or dislike in your life.
Apostle Peter – Peter’s vehicle of destiny was his fishing job, he did it all the night, and it implied that he was not a lazy person. He was a generous person too. For, when Jesus asked him to release his boat to Him, he did not complain of not being able to catch any fish the previous night. Also, his boldness and humility to follow Jesus inspite of the fact that, at sixty six years old, his age doubled the age of Jesus Christ in the physical.
Prophet Elisha – Elisha’s vehicle of destiny was his hard work, his loyalty to his master, his stubborn faith’ and his vigilance which made him to follow Elijah and get the double portion. What a glorious thing for him? And how shameful was it for Gehazi who could have got four times the anointing of Elijah. But instead, he collected leprosy, thus putting his posterity in trouble!
Gideon – Gideon, another man of destiny, was working hard in the midst of the enemy, when the angel came unto him and said. “… peace unto you great man of valour …… He was not cajoled by the angel’s statement He said, “Which
peace? when, what I am doing here is in the secret of our oppressors. ….” His
openness and admission of helplessness was his vehicle of destiny. His readiness to carry out divine instruction to the letter was his vehicle of destiny too.
Mary Magdalene – What was Mary Magdalene’s vehicle of destiny? Her demons of course. From her, Jesus cast out seven demons. So, satan made one of the greatest mistakes of his life when he invaded Mary Magdalene. Some people
complain: “If you know the kind of deliverance I have done in the past …” Well, if such people properly examine it, they would discover that such deliverance may turn out to be their vehicles of destiny. It was the deliverance of this woman that made her to be the first person to see the Lord Jesus when He rose from the dead. Her seeking for deliverance became the vehicle of her destiny.
Joseph – Joseph’s vehicle of destiny was envy and jealousy of his brothers. Even his father cautioned him to desist from talking about his dream. He queried, “how can I and your mother be bowing down for you?” False accusation was also his vehicle of destiny. Later on, when he got to prison, he told Pharaoh’s butler that he was going to be released and that he should remember him. But the Bible says the man forgot Joseph in the prison after his release. We understand here that broken promises also added to his vehicles of destiny.
Say this loud and clear: “My problem is my promotion.”
How can we become an overcomer against forces of demotion? How can we deliver our vehicles. of destiny? Because you need a vehicle to convey you from where you are. to your place of destiny. For, if the enemy destroys that vehicle, the person will become grounded.
We look at this in many ways, by examining our dreams and destiny. In Psalm 32:8,
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.
It is unfortunate to discover that very few people receive instruction from the Lord. Some come to the church to pick the ones they like in the words of God and leave others, some do not even listen to anything at all. Others are only interested in selling their wares in the church than to pray against the spirit of poverty hunting their lives. The passage tells us that we should not move if we
do not receive an instruction from the Lord to do so.
If verse eight of this chapter is not in operation in one’s life, then verse nine goes into operation in the reverse thus,
Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee.
That is telling us that some people have no understanding. This is also in
Job 33:13-14:
Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters. For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
That is, God talks to us and we do not get His message most of the time, because there are so many different levels of communication as shown in verses 15-16:
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,
In the light of the above passage, your dreams can tell you a lot of things, it can be a source of divine instruction to you for your destiny. That is why the Bible confirms that the almighty would do nothing except He first reveals it to his prophets. This is stated in Amos 3:7:
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
It is one thing for God to pass an information like this to his servants, it is another thing whether you understand it or not. God desires to talk to His people, but when He discovers we do not understand him through some medium of communication, He then resorts to seal His instruction to us through dreams.
Say this loud and pray like this,
As many enemies as lay their rods on the altar, my rod shall swallow them.
In every battle that I fight, I shall be more than conquerors.
Through your dreams, you can know whether your vehicle of destiny is under attack. By the time a person is sixty years old, he would have spent twenty years sleeping. You spend one third of your life’s span sleeping.
What happened during this sleeping period should not be taken lightly. Because, those dreams that occurred then are visions and they reveal our deepest aims and objectives. It is like a kind of spiritual monitoring system which aids you to deal with your physical life.
Those dreams can also reveal your fears, aspirations, hopes, past life and your future. It can result in your healing, it can change and influence your life. Those dreams can enlighten, warn and inform you. Therefore, they should not be ignored, the only dreams that you could ignore are dreams you had after you had been agitated the previous day.
For example, if you had conjugal quarrel before you went to sleep, you can ignore any dream you have that night.
The dreams you have as a result of swallowing chloroquine for malaria fever or after overeating or when you sleep in an occultic and demonic apartment, should be ignored in their entirety.
Apart from all these, all other dreams are divine tools through which divine messages are brought to you, It may be from you, God or the devil.
A well-read Bible scholar would discover that there are twenty-eight accounts of dreams in the Bible. The first example of dreaming is an interesting thing. Somebody wanted to take over Abraham’s wife and the Lord came to the man in the dream, saying, “Abimelech, you are a dead man” He asked the Lord what he had done, then the Lord told him because the woman he took into his house was another man’s wife.
The Lord said, “It is because I like you, that is why I have restrained you from committing sin with her. The Lord told him to return the wife adding, “I have told the husband to pray for you for he is a prophet”. This marked the first time to find the words, “Pray for someone,” in the Bible,
Jacob was a confused man until he had a dream wherein he saw a ladder upon which angels of God were descending and ascending and he remarked, “… surely, the Lord is in this place.”
Joseph was nicknamed, ‘the dreamer’ in the Bible. It was his dreams that put him into trouble. Also, it was the angel of God who told Joseph the earthly father of Jesus to take the child and flee with him to Egypt.
This reminds me of a question once asked by a sister. She asked is she should continue to visit her people who are mostly witches and wizards in her village. Or should she still run away from them? God who could command Herod to be roasted did not do it but instead told Joseph to carry his baby and run. This is telling us that there is time for running and there is time for fighting.
The Bible even says further that God can use your dreams to torment your enemy, and that was what happened to Pilate’s wife. She told her husband about how she suffered in the dream because of that righteous man, Jesus.
Paul, in the midst of tempest and threat of ship-wreckage told the people concerning the dream he had in the night that the angel of God appeared unto him to allay his fear that no life would be lost in the voyage. Right from that moment, Paul had supernatural confidence.
We need revelation knowledge to overcome our problems. To be informed is to be transformed. You may claim, you have no problem but it can mean three things the world has given you a ‘red card’ that is, you have been asked to depart from the ‘field of play’ or God has forgotten you or satan too has rejected you. All the people of God in the Bible faced certain things and overcame them. Even the Bible says, “Let God arise and let all His enemies scatter.”
How then can you claim you do not have problems? The truth is, any man without an enemy is a nonentity, zombie and an unimaginable idiot. It shows you are not useful to anybody. Immediately you make an attempt to mount up with wings as eagle, there will be forces that are ready to counter your move. However, an interesting thing in the Bible is that every Pharaoh has his own Moses, every Goliath has his own David and every head of Goliath has an unprotected forehead.
There are twelve major dreams that indicate that your vehicle of destiny is under an attack. Let me share these with you so that you can know how to pray.
Lack of dreams. That is very dangerous because in the face of danger and troubles, you do not have information. It means the enemy has blinded your spirit man and soul. Such people die like houseflies for being ignorant of what transpires in their spirit system. I prayed with a sister sometime ago and when she got home, she dreamt of seeing herself in the palace of a king and the evil king said “By going to that man (referring to me) for prayer, does it mean that the church you are attending now is not good?”
He then told her, “If you go there again, you will no longer dream.” This sister thought it was a joke, but afterwards, there was no dreaming in her life again. That evil spirit knew that the best way you can quickly eliminate a person is to withdraw dreaming from his or her life.
Somebody who dreamt of being pursued would wake up to start fighting back. The one who dreamt seeing his child being thrown into the river would soon wake up to reverse it. But if you do not see anything, they will just begin to operate unchallenged for lack of information on your part.
Sometimes, I took a flight wherein the pilot just took off recklessly in the sky. However, as far as I am concerned, I had already checked up my own
monitoring system, I got it clear that I was not going to die in an aircraft. As the plane was diving up and down in the sky, I was confident that there was not going to be any mishap, and so, I was reading my book when someone tapped me and said,
“. . . Mr. Man, what book are you reading in this situation?”
Then I said,
“Sir, this plane will not crash, because I have checked up my monitoring system; if it crashes, you will end up being the only casualty, so don’t disturb me, let me read my book.”
When the plane eventually landed, he came to me and asked,
“Are you a human being?”
You become a weaponless warrior when your dreams are wiped off.
Dreams that cannot be recalled. That is, some people can no longer remember what they dreamt about when they wake up. Their memory system is either faulty or damaged. They know that they had a dream, but cannot recall it. This is another terrible thing.
Close your eyes and pray like this,
My dream life, receive the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
There are situations when an incident occurs and someone would say, “Ah, I saw this thing before.” Because he could not remember, he could not stand against it to prevent it from happening.
Dreams of retreating back to childhood days. These are the powers of retardation. They are the powers responsible for making a person not to exceed a particular stage in life. When you keep seeing either your nursery and primary schools or the old house your family lived when you were a small girl or boy, something is telling you that you are not moving. You need to wage a war because you ‘are being told that your vehicle of destiny is under attack.
Rags wearing or nakedness. This is the spirit of poverty, embarrassment and shame. When a man goes to school and struggles to study to become a lawyer, but at the end of the day, all he could afford is a second hand piece of suit coupled with cheap perfumes they sell at the bus stops, he should know that his vehicle of destiny is under attack. How about doctors without clinics and when they manage to have one, they employ demonic nurses who drink the blood of patients, thus rendering the place desolate.
A person who is supposed to be operating a supermarket is hawking pure water by the road side. These are the examples of what we are talking about But if they can check up, God would have shown them in His mercy, only they cannot recognize that God has been talking to them.
Being caged, imprisoned or hindered. These are forces of limitation. They put the person in a pit without water. These are dreams of retrogression and of being confined by the enemy. This is a popular weapon in our environment that we must wage war against.
Always dreaming of serving others. In other words, it is the spirit of slavery, the person will always be a servant td others. Many of us do not like the situation we are in, but we are not desperate and mad with it yet in prayer.
Dreams of an uncompleted task. In the case of an examination he could not finish until they stopped. When building a house it is uncompleted and when travelling he does not know his direction. This is a vagabond anointing. It is a terrible dream showing that the vehicle of destiny of that person is under terrible attack.
Having sex in the dreams. These are dreams connected with marital turbulence and the destiny of such victim is being manipulated. It also implies that God’s power is being withdrawn from such life. It also means either partner’s potential has been buried.
A man once fasted and prayed for seven days but ended with fornication on the final day. As he was breaking his seven days dry fast, a child of the devil walked in and he capped the programme with fornication! During interrogation, we found out he had been having sexual dreams before. It is when some people have an important business to transact that they begin to have sex in their dreams, such business will surely collapse.
Death in the dream. This means that the enemy has closed the chapter of such life. It could result in spiritual, physical, financial, and marital death – all departments in his life have been shut down. Seeing dead relatives in dreams is an indication that you have very strong ancestral spirits link which you should break.
Seeing tortoise or snail regularly in the dream. It means slow progress, procrastination and all good things are suffering postponement. It is tortoise and snail anointing.
Being pursued by animals or masquerade. This IS witchcraft attack.
Dreaming of water. It shows that the fellow has linkage with marine spirits.
If you have been having these kinds of dreams, it shows your vehicle of destiny is under attack. It means some powers somewhere or some human agents have decided that such a person cannot move.
These powers are often successful because many Christians are not serious. They are playing with sins. Anyone who goes to a Bible believing church where they preach holiness and transformation of lives, whose life is not changed, then his destiny would not change too until he repents and becomes an example of holiness. Everybody needs to repent of giving the enemy a foothold to operate. Then, renounce every conscious and unconscious contact with destiny
destroyers. Wage war against them.
Let me warn that if a person is living in a known sin and you want to attack destiny destroyer, you will only end up strengthening them except you repent
- Every power threatening my destiny, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
- My destiny, escape from every prison, in the name of Jesus.
- O God arise, let every witchcraft plantation scatter, in the name of Jesus.