This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say:Â Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
Let the beauty of Christ be seen in you
When you become a child of God you must of necessity enlist in the school of prayer. Prayer makes a difference between the mountain top life and living in the valley. If you fail to pray, you will continually find yourself in the valley. However, when you pray you will spend your life on the mountaintop where you will find unlimited access to grace, favour, power, anointing, deliverance and multiple blessings.
Prayer in such a vast subject that you can be involved in various types of praying. The following are hundred major prayer patterns:
- Prayer of confrontation
- Prayer of thanksgiving
- Prayer of adoration
- Prayer of binding
- Prayer of loosing
- Prayer of agreement
- Prayer f intercession
- Prayer of praises
- Prayer of a petition
- Prayer of repentance
- Prayer of forgiveness
- Prayer of defense
- Prayer of Rejection
- Prayer of nullification
- Prayer of uprooting
- Prayer of -back-to-sender
- Prayer of fire for fire
- Prayer of advertisements.
- Prayer to move mountains
- Prayer that releases weapons of war
- Prayer that releases God’s judgment
- Prayer of asking
- Prayer of knocking
- Prayer of enquiry
- Prophetic prayers
- Apostolic prayer
- Sanctifying Prayer
- Sanitization prayer
- Prayer to speak destruction
- Resurrection prayer
- Prayer of consecration and dedication:
- Prayer that opens heavens
- Aggressive prayer
- Prayer of groan
- Travailing prayer
- Acidic prayer
- Prayer to pronounce the curse of God
- Wordless prayers
- Prayer-walking
- The Mountain Top Life
- Prayer-watches
- Prayer of supplication
- Prayer of faith
- Prayer of worship
- Prayer of meditation
- Mental prayer
- Heart prayer:
- Walkie-talkie-prayer
- Praying in the Spirit
- Praying with understanding
- Spontaneous prayer
- Schedule prayer
- Explosive prayers
- Extended player
- Desperate prayer
- Prayer of delight
- Praying alone
- Free prayer
- Biblically ignited prayer
- Written prayer
- Singing prayers
- Mind prayer
- Reading prayer
- Night prayer
- Morning Prayer
- Circular prayer
- Chain prayer
- Loud prayer
- Revoking prayers
- Silent prayer
- Vernacular prayers
- Prayer of confession
- Prayer of fellowship
- Faithful prayer
- .Persistent prayer
- Forceful prayer
- Protective prayer
- Breakthrough prayer
- Prayer of despair
- Prayer of lamentation
- Prayer of triumph
- Prayer of penitence
- Prayer of reformation
- Listening prayer
- Arrow prayer
- Ceaseless prayer
- Begging prayer
- Partnership in prayer
- Collective prayer
- Demanding prayer
- Commanding prayer
- Prayer of authority
- Prayer of dominion
- Anointed prevailing prayers
- Barricading prayers
- Warfare prayer
- High priestly prayer
- Conjugal prayer
- Talking praying
- Revelation prayer
- Targeted prayer
As far as prayer is concerned, the sky is the limit. Explore these prayer patterns and you will continue to experience explosive breakthroughs and uncommon deliverance.